Friday, March 18, 2011

The Wonder of Living

The Whole Earth Is Filled With HIS GLORY.......
                                              Isaiah:  6:3

A life that is all work can lead to stress, which can lead to all kinds of health issues....So many people find themselves working so hard and at the end of a day, there is no time to relax and play.

It is very important to our well being, for us to spend {some} time each day....outdoors.  Studies have shown that even fifteen minutes a day outdoors can significantly lower our levels of stress.

I love spending the mornings outside...this is when the birds are actively singing and the squirrels are all out playing games of chase. 

This little rascal was playing Hide-and -seek with me yesterday morning.....I would aim my camera for that perfect shot and  just when I was ready to hit the button on my camera, he would take off running up another limb.  He would then sit there and look at me as if he were daring me to try again....

I guess I exhausted him...He stayed in this position for quite a while, as if he had called a time out!

It is so relaxing to break away, step outside and listen to all the sounds of nature.  The good thing about all of this is that it is Free!

There truly is so much beauty in God's creation and when we give ourselves permission to absorb the freshness of the outdoors and to take in all the Blessings that God has placed before us, we then will find a sweet refreshment for our souls...

Today I am linking with

These ladies have been such a blessing to me!
{Please check out their blogs}

The wonder of living is held within the beauty of silence, the glory of sunlight, the sweetness of fresh the Spring air, the quiet stength of earth, and the love that lies at the very root of all things.

Spend some time outdoors today....Enjoy the pleasure that it brings!

Shug Sez....

Get into the habit of doing something for yourself...Relax!


  1. Isn't it great to be finally able to get outside in the good weather, Shug? Thanks for linking me!!! The squirrels are famous for freezing, then just when you have the shot framed, they take off!! But those eare some good pictures.

  2. Glad you figured out how to link - you are doing great with you blog!!

  3. Hi Shug, You were sweet to LINK me.... Thanks!!!!! It is great to get outside --especially after a long winter!!!! I love it--but we have alot of work to be done now (starting with the twigs and sticks in the yard, and the weeds --which are getting a head start)... ha

    Great pictures... Those squirrels love to play games with you!!!!

  4. Spending time with God's creation is very therapeutic.I just spent several hours watching Eagles fly high overhead in their journey north.I feel so much better for doing this.

  5. Shug this time last year Heartpoet swapped his indoor job for a mostly outdoor one he has never been happier, fitter or healthier!

  6. Love your pics Shug! God has given us such a gift in HIS Creation hasn't HE! It brings such Peace. Such Amazement. Such Joy.

    For You and for me...... so humbling isn't it!

    Have a blessed and relaxing weekend my friend

  7. Things are still pretty quiet around here with fresh snow on the ground, but I'm glad you've had fun with the squirrels! They can be such rascals scampering up and down the trees. Love going for walks with a couple of grands and enjoying the fun! Soon I hope! Have a lovely week-end!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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