Thursday, January 6, 2011

Word of the year.....

Isn't is Amazing how God works in our lives?

As I have said before, I do not make New Year's Resolutions....however I decided several months ago to choose one single word and let that be my goal for the year.

A few of those words are....Serve, as in do more for people.
Focus, as in having a more determined mindset.  Pray, as in spend more time in prayer for others.  Listen, as in becoming a better listener in order to be aware of people's needs. And Give!

I think you will agree with me that each of these things are very important and I will continue to do my best at all of them, however.....I want to really improve in the area of this one word and it needs to be the word that fills my heart.

Just this past week, I have been asked to be in prayer in regards to 3 or 4 desperate needs.  Healing, restoration, guidance and direction......This is an awesome way for God to open my eyes to receive the one word that I need to use as my focal point of the year!  So with that word is:

"Pray" or "Prayer"

One thing that is very important is to have confidence when we go before God in Prayer.  I believe that there is incredible power in prayer and to be able to intercede on some one's behalf can be nothing but rewarding.....

In the presence of the Lord, there is fullness of Joy.  Continual prayer and a deep relationship with God allows us to see things in a different light and can really change our outlook on life. 

I want to be truthful in my prayer time.  God sees my heart and is aware of every single thing that is in my life.
I want to learn to pray right where I am...If there is an immediate need, then I want to be able to freely pray for that need at that particular time. 

It is very important not to hold back...God is my friend and He longs for me to come before Him in prayer.  Of course, I must be willing to listen.  I have to give God the time to speak to my heart.  Most of all, I must believe that God hears my prayers and I have to Trust In God's goodness.....

In Prayer and Praise, I can extol God's greatness and His power over any need. 

Shug Sez......

Pray....Mountains will move

1 comment:

  1. Good morning,
    That is a great word for the year! How wonderful to serve a God who hears, and answers with His great love!!


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