Tuesday, January 11, 2011

These Things Called Memories

Today I am thinking about MEMORIES ~ ~

These are moments that resonate from the very core of my being...

~ Memories ~  they shape who I am, where I have been, and who I may become.  They also help sculpt my journey in life. For the most part, they bring me comfort, inspiration and strength.  There have been times when I have had  memories that have brought me a sense of weakness and stress, but the good thing about these particular memories is that I can look back and see what God has brought me through and what He was doing in my life at that time.  Many lessons have been learned I can assure you!! 

I can be busy during the day, going through the normal routines of my everyday life and suddenly there will be an interruption in the center of my consciousness....A memory will flash through my mind and I will be carried deep into the glimpses of my past.

I sometimes want to hold on to these thoughts and never let them go.  Almost all of my memories create a song in my heart and they are truly like music to my soul ~ These things called memories last a lifetime and they allow me to escape and hold onto the things that I have loved so deeply.

No one can ever take them from me.  It is my private diary that contains page after page of special times and events in my life.  I can revisit them any time I choose to do so.  I can press rewind and play back every precious moment as many times as I want to.....

At any given time, I can be any age that I want to be.  I can go back and play with my brothers and my sister, or I can sit in my mother's lap and feel her hand as it strokes my hair.  I can feel the wind on my face as my dad throws me high in the air, only to catch me with his strong hands. 

My heart will race when I think of all the happy times in my life.....The moment that I knew I had found my soul mate or the excitement of giving birth to our two daughters.  These are cherished memories that I love! 

I am so thankful that through the heartfelt mercies of our God, I can let the light of my life shine forever.....I can stroll down a path of peace and know that I am Blessed because of these things called MEMORIES ~ 




  1. Hope today brings you lots more wonderful memories!

  2. Love your post today, and love the new picture. You are blessed with a wonderful, caring family and I know you realize that. May new memories abound in 2011.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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