Friday, December 3, 2010

Resize Your Thinking Cap.....

What are you thinking about today?  Is your mind filled with upcoming events or is your mind be filled with thoughts regarding your Christmas list?

There are certain times during the year when my "Thinking Cap" fits a little too snug...
Thoughts keep cycling over and over in my mind....

It's almost as if (I'm)stuck inside my head all day long and my feet are doing all they can do to kick me back to where I need to be...

I was thinking about this yesterday, and I came to the conclusion that a lot of my thoughts are somewhat seemingly unimportant things....

There is no need for me too allow clutter of the mind to disturb me from my well needed beauty sleep.  So....for today,
I am going to let God's peace infuse every part of my being...

As the chaos swirls all around me, and life's demands pull at me on all sides, I am going to take the time to breath in God's Peace that surpasses all understanding.

He has promised that He would set within me a peace too deeply planted to be affected by unexpected or exhausting demands..

What a promise!! So what if I am the last house on the block to put up my Christmas lights, so what if I miss a function or two.
There are plenty of things going on in my life that brings me instant gratification, so why try to keep stacking more into an already filled space. 

I love it when God speaks to me and tells me it is time to rest....This is exactly what I'm going to do...REST...and enjoy one thing at a time....

Shug Sez....

Sometimes we all need to slow down and resize our thinking caps!

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