Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Trip Continues......

And so the Trip Continues!!

Just take a look at these Gingerbread Houses.....

When, what to their wondering eyes should appear?
These East Texas Folks were seeing the likes of something
they had never seen before....

Bobby Joe  was totally amazed that this hotel knew exactly what his fa-vor-rite cookie was....He was heading straight for the OREO'S.
I was able to stop him just in the nick of time, before his little fingers grabbed an oreo from the roof of the house....

It was a constant battle trying to keep everyone out of the "Sweet Shop."   There were cakes, cookies, muffins, ice cream, the biggest sweet roll you have ever seen, brownies, every kind of coffee you could think of, and the list went on and on.....

Here we are loading up for our first show....All eight of us (somehow) climbed into that suburban......We had a full load!

I promise, it didn't take much to make us all laugh.  I really did not realize that we had so many comedians in the group....and I must say that there were some who needed to check a thesaurus before making certain comments......(Just ask them what I'm talking about)

Our First show....."Shoji Tabuchi" we loved "Dick's 5 and 10 store....But so did about a
100 other "OLDER" people that had just stepped off of a big bus...
Needless to say, the traffic in this store was VERY, VERY slow.  I
had several other items that I wanted to purchase, like the old tiny little plastic Cowboy and Indian sets  (Can't find them anywhere else) plus a few more hard to find items.  However, I just did not think my body could take another bruise from the walking canes. 

Have you ever been in a store where the odor kinda made you ill?
This is how I felt, so I had to cut my list a little short and get out of there!!

Then, it was off to "Lambert's"  the home of the flying rolls!
It seems that the crew did not want to listen to their "TOUR DIRECTOR"...that being ME. 

I told them we needed to leave at 11:00 A.M. in order to beat the crowd....But oh no...they wouldn't listen!  We waited about an hour and ten minutes before we were able to be seated!!  Right then, I should have ditched em' and looked for me another crew!!

We laughed so hard this day.  We looked up and another 100 elderly folks were stepping off of a BIG BUS..  Two ladies in this group were what I call "a real comedy act."  Seems that they were very unhappy with the tour that they were on!  One of them referred to it as "The tour from H"
Surely you can figure that out!!   One elderly couple (in their middle 80's) were Newly Weds!  They were giggling and have the best time ever....

Sam...waiting at the restaurant!

Bobby Joe.....Patiently waiting!

What you want to bet that they listen to "Shug, the Tour Director"
next time!

Hey Ya'll I'm having lots of fun telling you about our trip, but I have so much to do this morning in the kitchen...Do you mind if I finish my story Friday? 
There will be a lot more Comedy to come!!

Shug Sez....

Be Thankful!


  1. I'm laughing just reading this - brings back great memories! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! Looks like your trip was really fun!

  3. I thought it was a rule that everyone had to do what the TOUR DIRECTOR said!!!! Guess everyone was just like that when you all were in school, huh?

  4. Great story going on--can't wait to hear the rest.
    Happy Thanksgivivng to you.



Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Fun, Busy, Saturday.

Sam and I had a very busy Saturday!  We made a trip to Waco, Texas to watch Mylee Jo and her team.......  WIN THEIR DISTRICT GAME IN BASKETB...