Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Chewing the Fat....

Things happen for a reason....just like this darling little angel.  Her smile happened so it could bring joy to my heart!

We are singing songs of happy news around our place....
The doctor gave Tucker a very good report on his check-up.Yay!  The blood test even showed some improvement in his platelet count.  This is something that we have been waiting for and I Praise the Lord for the good report.....

Well, Pops and Tucker spent many hours this weekend hunting for  deer.  Nothing yet, but they have seen several in the area where they are hunting.  It is very early in the season and I do have full confidence that Tucker WILL get his first deer this year.

I am still working on my project. You know, the one that I was hoping to have ready by yesterday....Someone borrowed some of my time, so I was not able to complete the job.  Maybe tomorrow!!

This is a totally different subject, but since I am just chatting today, I might as well throw it in.  I really never speak a lot about politics, but yesterday evening I was trying to relax and enjoy some TV time.  (Something that I never do)
I was so disgusted with the time that  (in my opinion) was wasted by the critical ads attacking opponents for the governor's race of Texas...

Of course, this is not the only race that spends thousands and thousands of dollars by trying to make someone else look bad, look dirty and look like a thief.......     If we want honest, Christian men and women in office, then we need to start by letting them know that it is not acceptable to behave in such childish ways.  If they can't win a race by being honest and by not wasting money ridiculing their opponents, then why should we bother to put them in office.  They should Trust God for their future rather than try to establish something on their own by being so distasteful. 

By the way....for those of you that live in our area, Voting is just around the corner.  Everybody needs to get out there and vote.  Our school Bond election is coming up and it will be on the ballet this coming up election day......If you don't know enough about it, then please pick up one of the Information/Fact Sheets and familiarize yourself with the needs that our schools have.  Should I say, Needs that OUR CHILDREN have in order to obtain the best education possible....just sayin'....Everyone does have their own opinion and that is the reason there it is called a vote!

This past Sunday afternoon, Trista and I ran over to the famous Walmart store to pick up a few items.  As we were leaving, the driver of another car seemed to be very agitated that Trista was not driving fast enough.  As the lady driver  passed us, she began to make all these gestures and you could tell that she was mumbling quite a few words.  At this point, my precious daughter made me laugh.  Her voice was so soft and she said,  "Breath Lady...take some deep breaths....life is going to be OK."   I'm still laughing when I think of that moment!

I have certainly had fun just chatting today....Thanks for stopping by and I really hope to see you tomorrow.....

Shug Sez......

How rare and wonderful is that flash of a moment when we realize we have discovered a friend......


  1. I ran into Walmart on Saturday to pickup prescription for one aunt and diet cokes for the other aunt. Went to line with less that twenty items and after I checked out, the lady behind me said "Would you please not break in line next time". I apologized because I never knew I broke in line - maybe she should have told me earlier - 64 WALMART!!!

  2. Too funny Marsha you line "cutter". lol.

    So glad you reminded everyone to vote. The school bond very important!!!

    I like the way your oldest daughter finds the positive in every situation. She could have lashed back to that lady with the same gestures and language but instead she chose to make light of the moment. I LOVE that. Maybe she can help me find the GOOD.

  3. I am so glad you reminded people about the Bond Election! My prayer is that by the time Mylee gets into Kindergarten, she will be able to go to a SAFE and nice school everyday. :)


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Something New

  If you've ever wondered just how much of a Texas twang I might have, today is your day to find out.  I recorded this little video this...