Thursday, October 7, 2010


Go often to the house of a friend, for weeds choke the unused path.   You are always welcome at my place.  I am not a friend of weeds, so I would like to encourage you to drop by often.......I like my paths to be clean!

Anaranjado........means Orange in Spanish Language!

Did you know that the best color is always the color at the moment one sees and enjoys it.

I certainly have been seeing a lot of orange lately.

Orange is known as a Power color.......

Orange is also a VIBRANT color.......

The color Orange is a color of WARMTH...

It's a color that opens up our Creativity......

Orange is a color of our third season......

It definitely STANDS OUT!

The color Orange is known to stimulate our appetites...

And....It's a color of CHEER!

Did you know that it also stimulates our emotions and enthusiasm?
It is also said that wearing orange during times of stress can help balance our feelings......

For me, it's a color that I expect when the season of Fall comes rolling around....After all, it would be strange to see blue pumpkins growing in the fields.....

Think Orange today...let your day be filled with cheer.....

Shug Sez......

Orange you glad to have seasons of color?  Sure hoping you have a Blessed Day!


  1. Can't do orange - us Aggies avoid orange and hang with MAROON & WHITE!!! I can do pumpkins and fall colors - just can't wear orange very much!! GO AGGIES - GIg'em!!

  2. I love orange. It has always been my absolute favorite color. It is such a happy color. Plus I am a Longhorn fan...Loved this :)

  3. I have to say, since I am a graduate of Texas A&M I should aviod the color orange too, but mom you're right. It is a GREAT fall color even if it is the color of that other school. I think I might even color my hair orange. LOL

  4. I am also not allowed to buy orange clothing for myself or the kids unless it is for Halloween b/c Seth is a huge A&M fan as well. But I love the color in my house, especially this time of year!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...


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