Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Slug Bug

I have a new Friend........I know that you all have met her/him before. I say her/him because I haven't decided which it is going to be......But,  Let me introduce you to them again!

Yes it is my beautiful Red Bug....Beetle for some of you.....

I have forever wanted a red, convertable Bug....For many years now, I have commented on how I would love to have one.  Sam surprised me a few weeks ago when we went to Dallas to look for one.  And to my surprise I got to drive one home... There is just something about these little bugs that makes a good statement. 

I love to see all the kids when I am driving by them, or when I pull up to a red light.   It's like "I got that one" or "Red Slug Bug, no take backs".  And now the new thing is that you get to actually hit (tap) the other players on the shoulder when you see one.  Do you have any idea how many of these little buggers there are running around.  I did not notice them until I got mine. 

I love to drive it!  I think this little red bug expresses exactly who I am!  A bright, (Because of the Red color ) Spiffy (Because this little thing can get around) Grandmother (Excuse me, that would be Shug)  That loves life!  Not to mention that I love attention (Everyone loves to count Bugs) I see kids and adults too, pointing at me all the time.

I just got my license plates, so now I can order my personalized plates.  I have found the exact one that I want and guess what.....It is available!!  I won't tell you what it is, I will just surprise you.....

No sticker or decals for me....(I don't think) Unless I see something real cute that I just can not pass up...I am planning on keeping this little friend organized.   I have to equip it with all the stuff I need for Shug...ing around.  Stuff like a little medical bag (Full of bandaids), a little snack section, and I can't forget the shades.  They all need shades when we ride with the top down.  Oh yes, Music too....All different kinds of music. 

I think I am going to love this relationship.  Sounds fun!  Be sure to watch for me.  I might even give you a ride!


Who needs a mercedes!  Not me....I love my BUG!
Take time for your friends today!


  1. Don't ya just love a red car?
    I have a red Sportage and love it to death!
    HER name is Rubee. We have a great time together.
    Have fun Shug...ing around!


  2. Shug, your welome to come over at the palce anytime and I'll share my canning skills with you....Just finished making 20 pints of peach perserves...Yum!


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