Friday, June 18, 2010

My "Heart, Soul and Courage List"

Sam and I went to see "The Bucket List" when it first came out.  I must have been experiencing a senior moment at the time, because I could not figure out why they titled it the bucket list.  How could I not know that it meant things you wanted to accomplish before you KICK THE BUCKET (so to speak)

We all have things we would like to do, or see accomplished before our time ends.  The thing is, I don't like to put my list in perspective to wanting to get them done before I die.  What do I mean by this?  On my list are things that I look forward to doing and then I want to live a long time to be able to share these adventures with my children and grandchildren.   

I call it my "Heart, Soul, and Courage List."  The reason is because all the things I want to achieve come from deep down in my heart and soul.  I just have to find the courage to carry them through.  These are goals that I want to someday reach and be able to complete.  There are some pretty big things on my list.  Some of them are way out of my reach, but I'm not going to take them off just yet, because who knows what tomorrow holds.  It could be that a day will come when I do have the opportunity to do them.  If so, I want to be excited to be able to draw a line through them and say "Look what I have done"

I just feel that if I call it my bucket list, then I have set a time line for myself to complete all the task.  By saying my Heart, Soul and Courage list, it allows me the freedom to enjoy what I am doing without the sadness of knowing it's just one more thing marked off before the big day...

Here are just a few of the possibilities that I look forward to someday.

Learn to swim
Learn another language
Become an amazing writer
See our loved ones and friends SAVED
Go fishing in Canada
Run a marathon
Go on an Alaskan Cruise
Ride in a Hot Air Balloon
See the Northern Lights
Do public speaking
Be healthy
Earn a masters degree
Be an artist
Play the fiddle
See another falling star
Lead someone to the Lord
Volunteer at Hospice
Become a chef
Learn to say NO
See my grandchildren graduate
Lose weight
Ride Space Mountain
Raft down a river
Jump off of a diving board

I think this is a great list......and it is a list that would definitely challenge me.  I know that there will be other things that are added from time to time, and there may be some things that will be removed.  For now I am going to take life ONE DAY AT A TIME and if it is God's will for me to fulfill all the things on my list...then that will be great.  If I am only able to complete one thing on my "heart, soul and courage list"  then that will be great as well.  My heart is full, My soul is content, and by trusting God, my courage will come......


Be content in all things!!!


  1. If you ever want to... I can hook you up with someone that can teach you to play the fiddle. Her name is Jana Jae. She lives here in Grove. Google her sometime. Roy Clark also lives here! :)

  2. For that matter I can knock about 6 things off of your list! lol


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