Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

Father's Day.....Today is Father's Day!  Sam and I are extremely Blessed that both of our dads our living.   His dad will be 81 in July and my dad will celebrate his 80th birthday in December.

Our father's deserve Honor and Respect.  First of all they deserve it because the Bible says we are to honor our Father's and Mother's. 

Sam and I both have WONDERFUL dads and we place a lot of value in our relationships with them.  We recognize the goodness in their hearts and we recognize the love they have for their families. 
We honor them because we love them.....

We would like to wish them a wonderful Father's Day, filled with health, happiness  and love........

In saying all of this, I can not forget to give honor to Sam for being the father of my children.   One of the most important things he has done as a father is to love me.  What better gift can a man give to his children than to love their mother?

I can truly say that the characteristics that he has in his life definitely qualifies him for the "Best Father" award.    He is devoted to his family - his daughters.  He loves the Lord and he has always Trusted God to lead him in being the head of our home. 

He is honorable and he reaches out with great love to help others that have needs.  He has always placed the needs of his family before anything that might be of importance to himself.  We all have seen days where his job rewarded him with his hands full of callouses and his feet seemed to find no relief.  I can honestly say that he has worked hard to provide well for us and has never  complained. 

He is an excellent leader and his character is always found to be outstanding.  He has been a teacher to our girls, he has been a counselor to our girls and he has never failed to be a special friend to them.  Sam has never had to tell Trista or Shanda how to live because they were taught by watching him and by seeing the way he lives his own life. 

He has always been a person of honesty and a man with integrity.  By faith and hard work he has been an excellent example of simple eloquence to our girls.  He is a father that deserves our honor.  He is my husband and friend, but he is best described as DAD to Trista and Shanda.  

We love you!!!


Honor your Father today.....If he is living, honor him with your actions and by your words.  If he is no longer here, honor him by focusing on the special memories you have of him....


  1. Congratulations to Sam--Happy Father's Day.
    It's great to still have both Dad's here.
    Congratulations to them.

    Have agreat Father's Day.


  2. I have so many wonderful memories with my daddy. He is such an inspiration to Trista and I. My favorite place to cry is in his lap. Thanks dad for your example. I love you.


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