Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Princess

As For Me and My House, We will serve the Lord.  Joshua 24:15

I love this verse.....   Powerful sripture

Last night was Prom night and I want to share with you the beautiful young girl that God has placed in our home and in our hearts........Taylor is my great-neice.  Her grandmother (my sister) an her grandmother on her mom's side both died early in their lives.  Her dad (my nephew) passed away when Taylor was only three and her mother passed away when she was twelve.  How difficult is it to be a young lady who has no mother or grandmothers in her life.  These are the women we as daughters lean on for these special occasions in our lives.

Sam and I are very happy that God has placed her with us and in our home.  We are extremely proud of her and of the accomplishments she has made in her life.  She has struggled with many disappointments in her life, but she remains to be a beautiful young lady inside and out.  I am happy that we were able to share in this exciting time of her life.  HER FIRST PROM......

Our girls have taken her in as a sister and have helped us in guiding her through what we all know as those happy, wonderful years of being seventeen. 

Here they are helping her with the details of getting dressed for the Prom.  Having fun....and laughing with one another.  Even Mylee was doing all she could to help Taylor get dressed for the .....PARDY

She was very pretty and I know that her mother and grandmothers would have been very proud of her.  I pray that she will continue her path along this journey we call life and that she will continue to allow God to lead this path for her.  We have opened our home to her and with that comes the responsibility of teaching her that God is the center of our home and that we will always serve HIM.  In our home (above the french doors) we proudly have this scripture written on the wall. 

Taylor is a beautiful girl and we are so very proud of her.  I hope that her prom, this special day for her, was all that she wanted it to be. ( A "Cinderella" story if you will.)  Her nickname is "Princess" and that is exactly what she was last night.  Dressed up, excited for her PRINCE  to come an escort her into a fairy tale world that she so deserves!  


Hope that every chance we get, we can bring love, joy, and happiness into someone's life....

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