Monday, May 17, 2010

My heart at three

This is rare for me.  It is three in the morning and I have tossed and turned all night.  I was reluctant to get up and write this post, but not because I am sleepy or tired.  It is because I respect the opinions that other people may have. 

My Heart was so touched in church yesterday and I could feel the warmth of the Holy Spirit deep within me.  During Praise and Worship, we sang the song, "Amazing Grace" by Chris Tomlin.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found was blind, but now I see. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed.

My chains are gone, I've been set free! My God, my Savior has ransomed me. And like a flood His mercy reigns, Unending love, Amazing grace.
The Lord has promised good to me, His word my hope secures. He will my shield and portion be as long as life endures.
My chains are gone, I've been set free, My God, my Savior has ransomed me. And like a flood His mercy reigns, Unending love, Amazing grace.

What a beautiful song......This is an old hymn with a little contemporary mixed in, but it still brings the great comfort that the older generation has always known.  It is my opinion that these songs should never be forgotten.  I have bittersweet thoughts about the music that is played in our services today.   I want our grandchildren to understand the value that the old hymns have.  I want them to understand the reverance of Praising God.  I want them to hear the words and to let these words dwell deep within their hearts.  His word my hope secures, how incredible is that!

It seems that contemporary music is vital for the young adults and kids of today.  I realize that both of these types of music honor God and it is just a matter of preference.  I have heard it said, "that all that matters is that you are reaching souls and bringing them into the presence of God." 

 I know that we all have different emotions and we all are moved by an array of different things.  I for one, am moved to the point of tears when I hear the old hymns.  But, that is not to say that the person standing next to me experiences the same thing.  The style of contemparary music may be the very essence that they need to move their hearts in the direction of God. 

I do believe that it should be taken into consideration that some of the older generation still remain and that their souls need to be fed as well.  The old songs are like comfort food to them and they long to worship God in the way that they have always known and in a way that allows their hearts to be filled by the moving of the Holy Spirit.  

I was thinking about all of this and this funny thought crossed my mind.  If our younger generation is not taught the old hymns, and with time, these hymns are just forgotten through the ages, what will it be like when you attend a funeral of a loved one or friend.  Will they sing the " 7 - 11 " songs.  This is what a lot of people refer to as the new contempary music we play today..... you know, you pick 7 words and sing them 11 times......

Of course I am joking, but I can hear it now.....
Just as the pastor finishes speaking at the service, this song will start to play...."Oh Father God, Oh Father God, death has come and she is gone.  She is gone, Oh Father God...Oh Father God, she is gone.
Oh Father God, Oh Father God, death has come and she is gone.  She is gone, Oh Father God......Oh Father God, she is home.

This will be repeated 11 times and then the service ends.  I hope that no one is offended by my joke, but in my heart, I do try to grasp hold of what the future holds for our children and grandchildren.  Is there really a generation gap here...I'm not sure about that, because not like other things in this world that come and go, these old hymns of the past have been around for many, many years. They have a message that needs to reach our children of today.....I pray that my grandchildren will never forget how important these old hymns are to me (their Shug) and that they will long in their hearts to know the words that bring tears to my eyes as I worship and praise the Lord God Almighty. 

My heart is at rest now and I think I can go to sleep...I hope that I have not offended anyone and just as I respect the opionions of other, I hope you will respect my opionion as well......


Take time to sing one of the beautiful old Hymns to your child or grandchild today....
They will be Blessed and so will you!

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