Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bunnies of Dust

I don't know what it is, but it seems no matter how often I clean our house (which is everyday),  there is always dust somewhere.

Do you ever wonder where all this dust comes from?

I change the filters every month, but still, there is this DUST!  I believe the biggest dust culprit in our home is having so much traffic in and out.  I know that another culprit is the carpet.
I have heard over and over that carpet is the breeding ground for dust and other allergens.

Oh, how I would love to remove all of the carpet in this house!
A big start would be the living room...Our living room is really large, and I know that with all the traffic we have, a lot of dust comes from there.

I don't think that simple surface dusting is the answer.  However, this is definitely something that has to be done.  Dust builds up under beds, on top of shelves, behind doors, and on all kinds of knick knacks that we have sitting around.  I even have to dust my plants....

The other day, my dryer needed to be serviced.   I was dreading the guy pulling the dryer out from the wall.  Yes, there it was.....all kinds of little dust particles.  You automatically feel like you are being judged.  As if the service guy is thinking, "man, this house is so dirty, she must never clean."
Well, I'm not a bad housekeeper.  I am always cleaning.  That very afternoon, I pulled out the Refrigerator and everything else I could get to, and cleaned. Needed this house to be dust free!

I wonder how many of us go to bed each night, not even realizing that there are hundreds of dust bunnies under our bed.  Sounds terrible doesn't it?  I am hoping to do a better job at dusting.  Our bed sits high off of the floor and you would think there would be no possible way for any dust to build up.  Especially with kids sometimes hiding under there.  I just finished looking and would you believe I found some dust.  OMG.....I have to do a better job. 

If any of you know the solution to getting rid of this stuff, then let me know....For now I guess I'll just continue my routine of dusting.......Do you think that Sam being in and out of the field all day growing all kinds of Fruit and Pecan trees could have something to do with it?  You Think??


Thought for the day:  God's Priceless Love comes freely to us!

1 comment:

  1. Carpet is a breeding ground for dust mites. However, I have wood floors and I have bunnies too. I think mine is the two long-haired doxies that roam around.


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