Thursday, March 13, 2025

Try-It Thursday....

 Hey there, friends!  It's THURSDAY, and instead of letting it be just another day, let's turn it into TRY-IT Thursday!

Did I just make this up?  Yep! 

What is Try It Thursday? 

Simply, Try something new today!

Whatever you try, doesn't have to be dramatic.....!  Not anything like.... jumping out of an airplane, or taking a polar plunge..

Let's try.....

A NEW coffee..... Singing out loud....
listening to some jazz music.....
Walk a different path today..... 
leave an encouraging note for someone....
Switch up your routine.....
Try a weirdo combo of peanut butter and pickles! .....😊 LOL.
Doodle or paint something today...just for fun!
Research a historical event.....
Pick up a pretty rock .....
spend 5 minutes just breathing.....

Whatever you decide to choose, let 
be a reminder that things don't always have to stay the same...Life is full of fun things to do!

Which Try-it surprise are you going to choose today??  

Much love and a sprinkle of adventure to you all today..


1 comment:

  1. Hmmm - that is a tough one. Maybe tonight I might try a drawing - I have been saving a few to try to copy!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Try-It Thursday....

  Hey there, friends!  It's THURSDAY, and instead of letting it be just another day, let's turn it into TRY-IT Thursday! Did I just ...