Monday, February 10, 2025

The Big Weekend

** NOtE before my Post...

I am so sad!!  I had almost all of your addresses saved, and with one slip of my finger, I DELETED them.  Would you, Could you please resend them to me?  I am so sorry for this inconvenience!   I really needed them today 💘

This was the Big weekend for Tammy (my niece)  * * * * 

I talked about this last week in one of my post.  

The big "Night to Shine" prom was on Friday night, and her Birthday lunch was on Sunday.    

I want to share the pictures of these two events with you.  

Her arrival at the church......Red carpet entrance.  

The "Night to Shine" evening was pure magic
and let me tell you, it's not a prom if you don't Dance!

There was joy, there was energy, and there was a sparkle in every eye.  It was a night where everyone was a STAR!  Crowns were placed, red carpets were walked, and smiles lit up the room brighter than any chandelier ever could.  

But, the best part?  The Dance Floor!

Everyone was moving and celebrating the happiness that was in their hearts.  It was a night for making these incredible people feel as special as they truly are.  

Thank you to the Tim Tebow Foundation, for creating a space where love, laughter, and light, shines Bright!!

Next for Tammy, was her Birthday Celebration. It is so hard for me to believe that on Feb. 14th she will be considered "Over the Hill."  50 years Old.  

The brain injury she suffered 47 years ago has left her with a cognitive mind similar to a 10 year old.  Sadly, this is where her mind will remain.   Or, is it sad?  She is the happiest, most loving person I've ever known.  

  Tammy was totally surprised when she walked into the restaurant with her sister.  She had no idea we had planned a big party for her!  We had Balloons, a crown, a sash, gifts, money cards, and a huge cookie cake on the table,  waiting for her to be celebrated.  

      It really was a special Celebration!

  Reach for the Stars Tammy.  Keep Dancing, Keep Dreaming, and Keep shining! 

                        # Night to Shine

                        # Every Heart Matters

                        # Keep shining

                        # Keep Dancing

                        # Keep Dreaming.

                      We Love You Tammy,

                   Your family

The world is full of beautiful things...Let your heart be one of them.



  1. What a beautiful post honoring your precious niece Tammy, Shug. I loved it all!

  2. Happy Birthday and I love the dancing part.. music makes me want to dance and I do dance around the house.. red carpet is something I have never done or even seen. yay and I got black balloons ny my 50th and over the hill signs. you go Tammy

  3. May God continue to bless Tammy! Indeed, she is shining brightly at that event, and I'm so happy that she could be surprised by her birthday party. Thanks for sharing this beautiful post with us today, Shug. Blessings!

  4. What a wonderful prom night and surprise party! Thank you for sharing these blessings!

  5. Oh my goodness! This post filled my heart with joy! Thanks for sharing!

    Grace & Peace,

  6. What a wonderful weekend for her! I loved this post!

  7. She sure does not look as old as she is! And she looks so happy! Her dress is beautiful. And I think that maybe one blessing of her condition is that she does not worry and fret as much about the world's condition? With more of an innocent mind.

  8. Thank you for sharing... I love the all the smiles. And all the LOVE that pours out from this post.
    xx oo

  9. My goodness! What a wonderful weekend for a beautiful young woman! Thank you for sharing the joy and the fun. Hugs and love to you, my friend. Stay warm!

  10. The Night to shine is such a fabulous event. I helped serve one year at an event put on at our former church. It was very similar to Tim Tebow's but on a local level. Dancing, the red carpet and lots of goodies.
    Happy Birthday to your niece. That was quite a party you gave her.
    Love everything about this post Shug !!!

  11. How wonderful! Happy Birthday to your sweet Tammy!

  12. Shug, I just got a request from "you" that you needed my mailing address. I hesitate replying on FB messenger since I apparently have been hacked.

    1. The photo is of you I think, but it is not your current one that comes on my blog.

    2. It was me!! I totally understand..I'm the say way with messenger. I lost all my mailing contact addresses and needed to get them set up again...thanks Sue for being cautious.

  13. What a heartwarming post! I'm so happy for Tammy and you all. ❤️

  14. Oh wow, the smile on Tammy's face makes my heart just glow. Better than any Miss America pageant. You have such a wonderful way with words; thank you for sharing them with us here!
    I'm sending you an "e" right now.

  15. What a touching tribute for your lovely niece. I agree with you - her life is full of love and joy and she’s seems very happy. One can’t question the why’s in someone’s life - only God knows. All we can do to trust Him. He loves her more than anyone! Tammy is still His instrument.
    What a wonderful program - my step daughter has a mental disability due to a grand mal seizure as an infant. She’s more the a teenager at 45. I wish there was something like that when she was younger - she missed out on all those events.

    Beautiful post that gave me a lump in my throat. Tammy is a beautiful woman.

  16. What a wonderful and memorable night for Tammy. She looks so happy dancing on the dance floor. She must have had a blast at her Prom. And a Happy Birthday to her too! So sweet that her birthday is on Valentine's Day. She does not look 50. This was a fun celebration you planned for her at the restaurant. She looks so radiant wearing her crown. What a fun and special day for her. And a really thoughtful thing for all of you to do. : )


  17. Oh my goodness - that is the sweetest post about Tammy - she is a delight. I love she dances. I love music myself. And then a birthday celebration. I am glad she knows joy and happiness. And she is so pretty!

  18. What a wonderful event that was. Tammy looks beautiful and that smile says it all. Happy Birthday to her.

  19. Such a sweet post. I love that she is so happy and in a way, that's a gift she gives to others. So sweek. Happy Birthday to her!

  20. Aww, what a beautiful post.
    She looks so happy.
    I have never heard of the Night to Shine event, but it sound so fun,

  21. When you first wrote about the prom I commented that I didn't think there was a similar event here in St. Louis. It turns out I was wrong.


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