Wednesday, January 22, 2025


 Do you like voicemails?  Truthfully, I am not a huge fan of getting voicemails, however, I know that sometimes it makes it easy for the caller.  

How easy is it to let calls "go to voicemail," telling ourselves we'll deal with it later?  I can't tell you how many times I have heard people say, "I'll just let voicemail take this call.....I don't have time to talk to them right now."  👀 👀 👀

The truth is......there are Many times that  I don't even have my phone ringer turned on, which means that calls will automatically go to my voicemail.  I will admit....I sometimes just delete them and never even check them out....especially if I don't recognize the caller's number.  

What about God's call?  He speaks to us and I wonder how many times we just let HIS call go to our voicemail.....(Not literally to voicemail)  How often are we distracted and not really listening to His call.  I'm guilty!!  I am!!  

The other night, I woke up around 2:45.... for No reason at all.  A few things came to my mind and I knew that it was God placing a need before me.  I did begin to pray, but the next thing I knew, it was 6:30 in the morning.  I had put this "God call" on hold.  I FELL ASLEEP!

Did I miss the opportunity to pray for someone?  Did my laziness delay a Blessing meant for others?  I certainly hope not.  Sometimes God calls us to stand in the gap for others and HE expects us to be obedient.  

I am thankful that HE does not stop calling me.  

"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayer, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people."

                                                        1 Timothy 2:1

 This post reminds me of a song I love to hear...

"Jesus on the Main line, tell Him what you want."




  1. looks like your first comment of the day is spam. not me the other one. ha ha.. I don't take calls on my cell phone, except for places like docs that insist on calling. friends and family know not to call the cell. I can't hear people on the cell unless its on speaker, I don't answer calls on landline or cell unless I know the caller. I barely know how to check my email and once a doctor called it and when I did not call back, called the other number. I did no know she left a VM until a month later when I found it..
    I do have a phone that when they leave a message I can hear it in all 3 rooms and decide to pick up or not pick up. I never let someone I know go to voicemail

    1. Yes mam...the first comment was spam...I try to keep a check on it. One of the very reasons I don't really like voicemail is because the words are never very clear. And...they usually leave a different number from the number they originally made the call from.

  2. I often let calls go to voicemail if I don't know who it is. It seems those are often spam calls. I do check my voicemail though and keep it cleaned out.
    When I worked in the Dr office we were very thankful for voicemail, because it's so frustrating to be calling someone about results and not have them answer over and over again! :)

    1. Oh yes...I am sure you all were very thankful for voicemail in the office. Many times, those calls need to be screened. I get so many spam calls and it is so irritating when they leave "car warranty messages."

  3. I love this post because you did it in such a clever way, and yet it is so thought provoking. I have had those nights, like you, where I wake up for no seemingly apparent reason, but I try to stop and ask, "Lord, who is it that needs prayer?" I found, after having our daughter, son-in-law and grandson on the mission field, and the times that He awakened me to pray for them and then later finding out what was going on in their lives at that exact time, that those are divine appointments and definitely worth my obedience to His call. Hugs to you, my friend.

    1. We never know do we...God loves for us to intercede and I want to always obey. hugs back at ya Dianna....

  4. Love this! Unlike my (overly-curious) husband, I'm perfectly content to let calls go to voice-mail -- particularly if I don't recognize the number. I don't often wake in the early hours but have been known to ask God, "Is there something you need to tell me?"

    1. I am happy to see your comment today....For some reason, I am not able to go to your blog...Your information page pops up, but that is it. I'll check things out on my end. hoping you have a great day....I love your bubbly personality...

  5. Boy, don't get me started on RoBo-Spam calls. Filling up my phone ..they are all going to Call Block...
    I do try to listen for the Lord's Call though. I'm afraid I am like you and fall asleep too many times.. I'm sure glad that God's got my number though.

  6. I love how you made this devotional so relevant to all of us! Yes, we almost never check our voicemails! We like texts better. Our pastor once said that when he cannot get to sleep, he prays. That puts him to sleep! So I think that God does not mind, He is just pleased that we ARE praying, and looking to Him to rock us to sleep.

  7. You hit on two great topics. I do check my voicemail. I don't always answer them if they are spam or something or someone I don't recognize.
    Then the topic about listening to Jesus - how true. I have done the same thing too.

    I sometimes get overwhelmed and I am just in amazement Jesus never gets tired of us.

  8. I don't listen to voice mail unless I recognize the caller. I'm sure glad that when I call on Jesus, I never get put on hold, though. Blessings, Shug!

  9. I usually pick up the phone, unless the number does not look familiar, cause then it could be spam, and I'm being cautious. But I was just thinking about e-mails and such lately, and that people don't get back to them promptly or not at all, and I just don't get that. I get annoyed with my sister sometimes, cause she doesn't respond to my e-mails quickly, but she told me her reason, and I get that people have their own way of doing things. But it's so good that you are aware that maybe someone could be in need of your help or assistance, and I know you would always be there for them. You always get right back to me whenever I e-mail you, and I appreciate that. Such a great post today, Shug, and something we should all be aware of.


  10. The pairing of normal voicemail and God's call is something I would not have put together, but it's great food for thought.

  11. I would much rather get a text than a voicemail. I tend to miss those.
    I'm sure I miss a lot of Gods calls because I'm just not paying attention.

  12. We don't take calls on our cellphones and have an answering machine for our land line. We don't answer unless we recognize the voice. It's a good way to avoid spam.

  13. I dislike calls, so I hope God writes me a letter:)


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