Monday, January 20, 2025

Simple Things

Hope you have a steaming cup of coffee cradled in your hands this morning.   Much of our Country has some bitterly cold weather swirling around.  

 Not exactly what I wanted to see this morning, but......when the greenhouse is full, you have to let some things go. 

As I bravely stepped outside this morning, I could hear the sweetest sounds.  Squirrels were cracking acorns in hopes of storing energy for this Winter day, and a  beautiful Woodpecker was enjoying his workout while searching for tiny insects.  

I love how God gently nudges us, saying, "See? I'm here in the small things too."

Seeing God's hand in the simple things of life reminds me of HIS constant care.  His provision and His unending love for all creation.......If creation sings your praises, so will I.....  If the stars were made to worship, so will I.....  If the mountains bow in reverence, so will I....

This morning, nature's rhythms are whispering a deeper awareness of God's presence.  If it wasn't so cold outside, I think it would be a perfect day to just sit and listen to the small wonders around me.    

I praise the one who designed it all.  His fingerprints are in the smallest details of life.  We need only to stop..... and as they say, "smell the roses."     

Stay warm, cozy up, and fill your soul with the simple things in life.  





  1. I love this! You expressed the simple, so eloquently. That’s too bad about your potted plants but now you have extra pots for new plants this spring. It looks like we might get some rain and possible snow in the mountains in about a week. Forecasts that far off, they have a 50% chance of being right so I will watch as it gets closer. We are due to start getting some “weather” in February and March! Those tend be be our stormy months.
    Enjoy your cozy day -

    1. Hey Debby...this next year, I am going to be more cautious about buying to many plants. I knew they would end up dying since there was not enough room in the greenhouse, but I still have hopes that maybe, just maybe, they will make it.

  2. I love this! Your words really touched me today.

    1. Thank you Mari...I sure enjoyed seeing your grands on your post today.

  3. Gods created nature is so much better to visit than the humans are.. we have bright sunshine but 42 at midday is cold for us.. but not freezing like some of you are.

    1. Enjoy that sunshine, even though I know 42 is low for you guys. Can't beat Florida sunshine.

  4. Hello Friend, yes, I am with you, the simple things.
    I wrote something similar today.
    Love, Carla

    1. Hi Carla. I'm fixing to head your way and check out your simplicity...hugs to you

  5. Simple things are always the best place to find God at work. Happy Monday, Shug, and stay warm!

    1. Happy Monday to you Martha Jane.. I am learning to slow down and enjoy.

  6. :) You cannot save every plant from freezing! Stay warm:)

    1. So true and I really should not have planted so many in pots last Spring.

  7. I so totally agree. I think one reason for God asking us to be still is so we can slow down and look at his smaller wonders more! Unlike people who are so busy all the time. Wish I could hear the squirrels cracking acorns, that would be an amazing sound! Yes, I am now drinking cinnamon dolce coffee!

    1. those little squirrels can be annoying, but they really are cute. Enjoy your coffee..

  8. Beautiful! All the while I stood shivering in the backyard this morning, I was struck by the birds calling to one another. So joy-full by the new dawn, just as God intended. What lessons we should take from the no-so lowly creatures!

    1. So much beauty that goes unnoticed until we stop and learn to listen and see..Blessing to you today.

  9. Beautiful post. It is cold here too girl. I see God in the big things and the little things too - all you have to do is look for them. You do that. Hope most of your plants make it.

    1. I promised myself that I was not going to plant so many flowers, but I did and now there is no way to protect them all. Stay warm...drink some hot tea and enjoy the afternoon..

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I love the simple and small things of life.
    I often just stop and gaze out my dining room (office) window. The antics of the squirrels and the little "Flitty" birds just fill my soul.
    It did get down to 36F this morning but the frost disappeared too fast for me to capture it on my phone.
    Shug, you really have a wonderful way with words.
    Enjoy your cuppa.

  12. Oh yes, God is in the smallest details. Even in the bitter cold of winter, I see his hand of love and protection.

    1. Ruth,...I know from all of your beautiful photos how you see God in the simple things like nature. I always enjoy them.

  13. It sure has been cold. It's a good time to embrace those near to us.

  14. Such lovely words on your post today, Shug. As you know, I'm a nature lover, so I enjoyed hearing about how you stepped outside this morning and could hear the sounds of the squirrels cracking acorns and the woodpeckers. Too bad you had to let some of your plants go. Sometimes they don't survive the harsh weather. I'm so glad you appreciate these simple things, Shug. And thank you for the reminder to stop for a while and smell the roses. ; )


  15. I'm a day late but I do have a cup of coffee. Not in my hands right now because I can't type and hold coffee at the same time.
    What a beautiful way to look at winter.

  16. Beautifully said, Shug!
    Stay warm...


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