Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Rain and Pain

               These past few days, we have had a good bit of rain for which I am very thankful.  Truthfully, it has given me a chance to slow down and appreciate this rainy season.  It has been so calming to watch, because the rain has been a gentle rain. 

            Outside....I know that my plants have been singing happy songs of thanks, for each drop of rain that has brought nourishment to them.  Rain Water is what plants and flowers love to thrive on, because it contains nitrates, which is a form of nitrogen. 

            I'm going to blame it on the rain and the change of temps outside for my leg hurting.  LOL!!  My right leg has really been aching these past few days, and it is possible that the weather has a lot to do with it. could be overuse!!  

           When you can't work outside because it is too wet, you find extra stuff inside to do. So much for slowing down....... I re-arranged my furniture.....(I'll post on that tomorrow.). I'm pretty sure that doing this could have contributed to my leg pain. 

             Who of you enjoys watching the Christmas Hallmark movies?  I have watched a couple of them and of course, It is always easy to figure out what is going to happen on them...  Who is going to fall in love with who, and what kind of adversity will almost end the relationship..  LOL again!  I still watch them though.  





  1. love to watch rain drops too.... peaceful.

    1. Me too Tanza. It is so relaxing to see the rain.

  2. We have enjoyed soft gentle rain too. I do love it and we needed it, we are in a drought.
    I do think weather gives our body aches and pains. ;-) Wet and cold weather makes my arthritis act up.

    1. Our burn ban was lifted last evening. I think it total we received about 4 inches of rain. It was so needed...

  3. My day is AWESOME!
    I love Hallmark movies. We are supposed to get rain - I sure hope so. Moving furniture might just make your leg hurt!

    1. Yay for an Awesome day...I think it may be a combination of furniture and weather change...I've had ice and heat on my leg all day.

  4. we are waiting for the blessing or rain. when I water things they live but don't thrive, when rain waters them they wave there arms and grow like crazy. yep, heavy stuff will hurt the legs. moving all those tree limbs hurt mine. some time I can watch Hallmark sometimes not. some of them are just to rediciulas. I used to watch them a lot but since bo'b's not himself and life is not what it was, they gag me..

    1. I try to watch the movies when Sam is not at home. He kinda makes fun of them all being the same. I've seen a few this year that I have not seen before.

  5. We got more rain than we needed over the past few days, which led to a bit of flooding in some parts of the area, but it's lovely to walk outside on grass that springs back.

    1. sorry about the flooding...We needed rain so bad...The good Lord always knows our needs.

  6. Yes, blessed gentle rain!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. I have no idea how I deleted the message...sorry

  7. Changes in weather always make something ache.
    I can't help myself, I watch Christmas movies. They are very predictable but I can't help myself.

    1. I have to think that the weather is why my leg hurts...While I'm sitting here with the heating pad, I just watched a Christmas movie...I feel lazy

  8. hahaha, I chuckled at the Hallmark movies. It's true, you can almost predict what's going to happen in the end.....but I still love watching them. They are just feel-good movies. I've been watching Hallmark and Lifetime Christmas shows lately. I'm so glad you got some RAIN! It is always needed in California, and we rejoice when we get it. Isn't it fun to rearrange furniture and items? Can't wait to see what you've done, Shug. I hope your leg feels better soon.


  9. Okay, I actually winced at the thought of moving furniture. Curiously, my Tom's more apt to watch Hallmark movies than cynical old me. Still, it's pretty nice to have more choices than the basic 3 (channels) I grew up with.

  10. So glad you got some rain! We had rain yesterday here in NC. I love Hallmark movies! I watch several a week. They are feel-good movies for sure!

  11. I don't watch much TV at all...I watch stuff on my computer...and not even near as much as I used to watch. Seems like I just run out of time and energy. Hope your leg feels better tomorrow.

  12. Could you send some of that rain our way? We've been so dry here. Hope your leg gets to feeling better soon, Shug. Blessings!

  13. This blog post made me so happy. I love me some Hallmark Christmas! We have a TV in our kitchen where my husband and I can just sit for hours, enjoy some hot cocoa, and watch those feel-good movies. It helps that we just got a new cabinet painting as well. Makes it even more festive. Thanks for sharing this!

    1. Awe. you are so sweet Grace. I love cozy places to sit, watch tv and sip on cider or coffee. Look forward to adding you to my blog as one that I follow...Happy Weekend.

  14. Hallmark movies are my guilty pleasure, so I'm glad I'm not the only one! I'm one of those people that has to wait until after Thanksgiving to watch Christmas movies though, so I've got a big list to get through. Good for you for moving your furniture! Just thinking about getting my house ready for Thanksgiving makes me tired, so here I am procrastinating, but I'll be so grateful once all my kiddos come! Thanks for sharing this! It just warms my heart!


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