Saturday, November 9, 2024

Saturday Chattering.


I saw this little meme last night and thought how cute it is.  

I also found this last night while I was scrolling on FB.  For those of us who enjoys the taste of pumpkin, this would be a great dessert to serve for Thanksgiving.  
Not all of my crew like pumpkin, so I think I will make a smaller dish of this.  

I thought this one was cute too...and kinda True! 
 "The world is so broke you don't even find money on the ground anymore!"

See a penny pick it up and
all day long you'll have good luck!

"Penny from Heaven"

I love to find pennies on the ground.
Do you pick them up when you find them, or has the penny become a coin of no value for you?

I would now have $259.15 dollars if I had found a penny a day for each day of my life.  Is this correct based on me being 71?

A short story:  One Thanksgiving (Black Friday) my daughters and I left around 4:00 in the morning to go shopping.  We needed to be at JC Penny when it opened in order to get one of the tiny snow globes that they gave to the first 100 shoppers that came in.  
we got our globe, did about 30 minutes of shopping and was out the door...heading to our car.  I looked down and in the parking lot was a $100.00 bill.  
What should we do was our question...Knowing that someone had dropped it...but not knowing if a kid was not going to have Christmas because of the lost money.  
We went in the store to the customer service desk and told them we had found the money..
They said that since it was in the parking lot, that it was ours.  There was no way they could know if one of their customers had dropped it or if a random person in the parking lot dropped it.  


We determined that we would split the money between the three of us...
Woo Hoo....we each got $33.33 
I can't remember what we did with it, but I remember the memories of that day and the laughs we had in figuring out (No Phone Calculator) how to divide 3 into a 100.

I probably got the extra 1 cent.  

This is all the chattering I have for today...
Talk to y'all tomorrow!!



  1. I pick up any money no matter what it is, I still have a jar that it goes into. I once bought the trundle bed in our spare room with 179.00 of rolled coins from saving in a jar. I wanted it and asked if she would take rolled coins, she said money is money and I handed her all the rolls. our dog Max found a 20 dollar bill at the park, and Baby Girl ate the 129.00 check my dad mailed me because God told him to. talk about fun, he had parkinson's and I could not make him understand how to write another check, he refused to just write the amount back in and not send another. he got his brother Jack to come over and do the deed and mailed another check.

    1. This is a very neat story...It is amazing what you can do when those pennies add up. I've often said that the massive jug of pennies that my husband has, we are probably filthy rich and don't even know it. Surely there is a rare penny in that jug. lol....

  2. I always pick up pennies for good luck. I found two twenties all rolled up one day on the street outside a store....I kept it!

    1. was meant for you to have and I hope you bought something good for youself.

  3. Gosh, what a story!! And I guess the store employees would have no way to prove who the money belonged to. I love the Humpty! It turns it around to joyous instead of broken!

    1. I thought this humpty was so cute and like you....I thought it had a good ending..

  4. I adore your Chatter, Shug. Keep doing it. Its like we are having a great conversation together.
    I always pick up pennies and other change on the street. Why not? It does always add up. We have been fortunate to find some bigger money discoveries a few times too. There was no way to give it back. I love how you went back to the store and the response of the clerk. Blessings for you and your family.
    I used to do the Black Friday sales at the crack of dawn too. No more though...too many people and the greedy attitude of a lot of the people turned me off..besides our financial situation helped put the final "period" to that adventure..

    1. You are right...too many people, plus the stores have changed so much and it's not fun anymore. had buying online!

  5. I’ll pick up a penny. I’m old-school. Money is money. Although finding coins are rare these days. I can’t remember when the last time I did.

    One time decades ago my husband when he was in the Navy was staying in a hotel in San Francisco while he was waiting for assignment on Mare Island. He found a backpack with over $1000. so he turned it into the lobby and he signed paperwork and if no one claimed it, he could have it. Well, no one claimed it! It was a nice little windfall when you’re young and just starting out in the Navy! $1000 in the early 70’s was big.

    1. Oh my goodness.....what a fabulous blessing....

  6. That first picture made my day! Thank you. ❤️

  7. What a fun story! I find holiday cooking tricky, as the grandkids have needs, as well as hubby. Life is tricky!

    1. the older I get the more difficult it is for me to do it all by myself. My girls are good about helping me, but when you feed 20 people, it can be a bit overwhelming.

  8. Oh Yes, I'll pick up a penny when I see it next to my car, and take it home and clean it and put it in my ladybug bowl. I've even seen dimes and nickels, which are special as ever, and one time I saw a quarter! That was a cool story about the $100 bill that you found. It may have belonged to someone that was shopping on Black Friday....or maybe it was just meant for You! That pumpkin delightful looks amazing. I'll send that to the girls today. I enjoyed your post today, Shug.


  9. Oh I love your little memes. I have a couple of recipes for pumpkin that is toned down with cool whip or whipped cream. The one you gave us looks really good. I do love old fashioned pumpkin pie and made one a couple of weeks ago. Just had the mood when the Fall colors were coming in. Got such a kick out of your Black Friday adventure. We were not so lucky. Many years ago, we waiting for a ride in front of a church, and I noticed a $20 bill on the ground, then I saw another, and another until Ihad picked up close to $100. Just when I was smiling ear to ear, we saw a wallet, and a bank sllip of a withdrawl. We took the wallet and money to the church and gave it to the Pastor, he said he would contact the person. I guess he had laid his wallet on his pickup, and drove off. The sad part, when he came to pick it up the Pastor said he was not even thankful. Glad you got to keep you $33.33. HaHa

    1. Pumpkin pie is a favorite of mine, however, Sam doesn't eat it. It would be up to me to eat the whole thing and that would 't be good. lol. You would think that anyone whose billfold was returned to them (these days) would have been very grateful...I sometimes don't understand folks.

  10. That pumpkin dessert looked pretty good to me.
    And I pick up any coin I see. lol. My grandson will leave pennies on the ground - I guess he doesn't get it yet. Wonderful you found a $100 bill.
    I love Oscar!

    1. I'm going to try this pumpkin dessert recipe.. Hopefully I will have it on my dessert bar for Thanksgiving.

  11. Whenever I see a penny on the ground, I always hear "see a penny pick it up" in my head and yes, I do pick it up. That was some luck finding a $100 bill.

    1. Me too Ann.. I never see one without quoting that little saying.

  12. I only pick up pennies that are face up, if they are face down, I turn them over and leave it there for the next person.

    1. I'll have to check out the reasoning behind this. I know you have a story..

  13. What a great memory of finding that $100 with your girls, Shug! Yes, it's rare to find any type of currency on the ground since so many people use cards instead of cash, but I will always pick up a penny. Blessings!

    1. Blessings to you Martha...My girls and I had a great time that day

  14. (Trying again, lol!)
    Count me in, picking up pennies as well. It all spends! That's a great story about finding the $100 bill, then dividing by 3. I'm sure my arithmetic skills have all but disappeared since modern technology came our way.
    I'm clipping that recipe, 'just in case!'

    1. You are so all spends. My grandfather saved pennies and he was Blessed

  15. Thanks, I enjoyed this post, my friend. Thanks for the smiles, wishing you a lovely Sunday.

    1. Thank you Linda...same to you...Happy Sunday


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