Saturday, November 16, 2024

 I have already enjoyed a relaxing Saturday morning.  

I took NyQuil last night before going to bed....simply because I have developed a terrible night time cough.  So.....I slept later today!!

Did you hear about the Mucinex truck that collided  with the NyQuil truck on the highway?

Amazingly, the entire area was Congestion free for over 8 hours!!

I have been waking up around 4:30 in the morning for no good reason.  I can only assume that my body clock is out of sync....

Today, we are going to go visit Sam's dad at the Nursing Home facility, grab something for lunch/dinner, and head over to Mylee's Basketball game.  I'm not so sure that I really feel like doing these things today, but I plan to give it my Best.  

I've had a good little laugh this morning!!  I have been on Pinterest looking for some ideas for my daughter's OFFICE Christmas Tree.  

I ran across these adorable little Christmas card pages.   They immediately caught my eye, because just this past week when I was shopping with my friends, I purchased some of them. They were 65 cents each.....I thought this was a good price.   The ones I found could purchase 25 of them for only $12.00.  lol....

Hugs today....



  1. Those vintage style cards look so cute.

  2. Me again...Blogger won't let me reply to people (send me your name, e-mail and I will add you to my contacts. That way I can reply back. Ida

  3. I love that vintage style Christmas Cards. We used to hang our cards like that on the mantle long ago. Your post brought back memories.
    Hope you feel better and get rid of that pesky night time cough. That's the worst.

  4. Oh I like those vintage cards. Reminds me of the scrapbook my mom made for me with cards that people sent me, including my birth. I like those old cards!
    Coughs can really tire you out. Take some time to rest!
    Cute joke! I like the rock as well.
    Enjoy your meal and visit with Sam’s dad. I miss the times we spend with Pops at the Veterans home. Who knew he would love it there? And that was a blessing knowing that. Enjoy your day. God bless.

  5. Where does the time go...just realized I haven't been by for a while. So enjoyed your post today and the smiles it brought. Love the vintage cards since I've become "vintage" haha. I've spent a lot of hours visiting in rest homes. Some family but mostly when we were serving in churches. One of my ministries was visiting the elderly. I loved doing it. Well I hope your inner clock gets fixed and you can get a good nights sleep. Have a blessed weekend! Hugs.

  6. I tend to wake up early too. I often take an afternoon nap in order to keep going.

    I love those tomato stones!

  7. I'm in love with those vintage cards! They're making me reconsider not sending holiday cards the last few years. Hmmmm.

  8. I'm so sorry you have come down with something! Maybe the cough and waking up so early are related. Take care of yourself! I love these garlands of old fashioned cards!

  9. I hope you feel better soon. The vintage cards are so cute:)

  10. Those Christmas card pages are delightful, and look vintage to me. What a great price they are. I seem to be waking up early as well, going to the bathroom, then going back to sleep for a while longer. I hope Sam's dad is doing well at the nursing home. So good of you to visit with him often. And I love that tomato rock. This was such a delightful post today, Shug.


    1. ps.....Take care, and feel better. Those coughs can go on for a long time sometimes.

  11. Love all those vintage cards. Takes me back to the good old days.

  12. Oh no, I hope you get to feeling better, smiles. I was looking at cards yesterday and I thought and might had inquired to hubby, "Didn't we buy cards last year at the end of the season?" Who knows...smiles. Wishing you a beautiful Sunday, smiles.

  13. You know, I have been waking at 4:30 too!!!!! I pray your cough is gone soon, and you are feeling better! Have a cozy afternoon, my friend!

  14. I am a huge fan of puns and jokes and your two made me happy today. all the way to ma toes.
    love the cards, they bring back fond memories of the olden days I have live through and the way Christmas looked back then. We always wake up at 3, since the time change I wake up at 2, it will take another few weeks to get back to 3. when we worked we woke up at 4 but over all the years of retirement it eased us to 3.. we drink coffee in bed and get up at 4..

  15. That isn't much sleep - hope you survive the day. The time change messes with me. Love your joke and the to ma toes! lol I like the vintage cards too.

  16. That gave me a chuckle! Twice.
    Not so much with your sleep issues. My cat keeps waking at 4:30 thinking it is nearly dawn. sigh.


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