Tuesday, November 19, 2024

A Surprize Gift

 Yep......as the seasons change, so does our susceptibility to various viral bugs.  It is this time of year when I always seem to develop a respiratory illness.  Cold, flu, allergies.....I'm not sure what this one is, but it has sure made me feel crummy. 

I have found that the road to a full recovery, especially when dealing with chest congestion, often requires a lot of patience and care.  Something I need to work harder at doing.

Chest congestion is for sure, one of those frustrating symptoms that refuses to resolve overnight.  "Vicks" vapor rub always comes to my rescue though.  Nothing like having Vicks on the soles of your feet and covering them with socks.  This truly helps.

During my recent experience, I encountered a change at my doctor's office.  Like many clinics these days, they've implemented new policies aimed at managing patient care efficiently.  One of these is a $35.00 fee for prescriptions called in without an appointment.  The fee must be paid before the prescription will be called in and processed.  

When I am sick, I do not want to have to get dressed and drive 20 minutes, wait another 20-30 minutes to be seen and then drive back home.   I gladly paid the $35.00!  Strange thing is..... This same office filled the same medicine for Sam with NO CHARGE! 

 Enough about being Sick...I'm ready to kick my heels up and move on!!

On a very Happy note, I had a surprise gift delivered to my side door yesterday morning.  It was a beautifully wrapped package and I absolutely loved what was inside.  

Ms. Peggy is the sweetest lady.  When I clean out my closet, I usually just call Ms. Peggy and tell her I have some goodies for her.  She comes by and picks up everything that I don't want.  
This was her way of saying Thank you!
I am very Blessed to have her as a dear friend.  

You all are truly beautiful and Amazing
Asking for Blessings to be yours today.



  1. I'm sorry you've been sick. I guess the $35 is worth it, but it still doesn't seem right. I just retired from working in a dr office and calling in scripts was just part of the job.
    Sweet gift from Miss Peggy!

  2. Vick's on the feet work? I am sorry, but is that legal to charge you for getting medicine? And Sam's was not? I can't believe it, but I know it is true. I love your Kiss The Cook - feel better soon.

  3. the gift is just in time for your Christmas Kitchen.. beautiful. hope you can kick that congestion soon. stuffy head and coughing the first thing I do I grab the Vicks, my daddy did and his mama did, and I do too. I rub it under my ear, where the canl goes through the throat, it stops the coughing, daddy did the chest rub thing, but I don't do that. have never tried the feet/socks thing. I also put just a tad on the under part of my nose and it helps me breathe. last resort for me is what you used, NyQuil... it works but wow does it kick my butt

  4. I was really glad to see this post from you, seeing as you have been so sick. How on earth would Vicks on FEET help?? Here, when I have no refills left on a drug, the pharmacy will call the doctor's office. I have never heard of this rule. Just another way for them to make more money. Your heart leaf is gorgeous! You always look for beauty even when feeling so bad,

  5. That's crazy about the new 'end-around' $35 charge. Almost sounds like a scam, but I guess not. Probably there's lots of (working) folk who jump at the thought of not having to take time off their jobs to see the doc.
    I'm going to have to remember that Vicks on my soles trick!

  6. I wouldn't like having to pay a fee to have a prescription called in. I try to avoid going in to the doctors office if I don't have to. Then again, if I were to call they usually won't call anything in without being seen.

  7. It seems like the doctor's office would gladly fill prescriptions and keep sick people out of the waiting room.

  8. Hope your prescription helps you kick the bug to the curb!! Be kind to yourself! I have not heard of the fee for calling in a script, I am sure it will happen up here sooner or later.

  9. What a thoughtful gift from Ms. Peggy. It's those little things that lift us up. I hope you are feeling better, Shug. I hear ya about the doctor office changes and new policies. Sometimes they are just too much, especially when we just want to be seen and have treatment and care. Although I think this is a good one, paying a fee for prescriptions called in without an appointment. The Vick's made me smile. My mom used to rub that all over us when we were little with colds and flus. Feel better, my friend.



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