Sunday, October 6, 2024

Thank You 💛

 You all are the Best.  I am truly thankful for the love shown from all of my blogging friends.  I have tears in my eyes just from reading the comments.  I guess it is good to sometimes let those tears fall.  

"Don't ever discount the wonder of your tears. They can be healing waters and a stream of joy.  Sometimes they are the Brest words the heart can speak."   Wm.Paul Young

I have come to realize that one of the greatest advantages of forming friendships through blogging, is the shared passion that binds us all together.  The openness invites empathy and understanding, which creates a safe space where our friendships can grow strong.  

I love how we can cheer for each other in times of success and yet encourage one another during the hard, most difficult times of life.  I have found that what often begins as a simple comment on a blog post can develop into a meaningful friendship based on trust, respect and shared values. 

I have been blogging since 2010 and in these 14 years, I have connected with so many of you in ways that I could have never imagined.  I feel like we are blogging BFF's.  

I just wanted to say this morning, that I am extremely thankful for each of you.  I enjoy reading about you as an individual, your families, your adventures and the beautiful memories you make, through the stories you write about.  

                                 This is so me!!

Isn't it wonderful that the blogging world serves as a rich space for forming these beautiful friendships?  Just like a warm blanket and a cozy fire brings us comfort on a cold evening.....My blog brings me this same kind of comfort...the only difference is, I am sharing this comfort with you all from a distance. 

Blessings and thank you again for your support through what has been a difficult week.  I love you all.  



  1. Agree with you on the blogging friends thing, there are a lot of good people out there. I can only imagine what your brothers house looked like!

    1. You are right Jim. there are a lot of good people out there and our blogging friends definitely fit this category. Oh can definitely tell that my brother's home has not had a female in charge for several years. He is a neat person, but his health has prevented him from being able to deep clean.

  2. I so agree about blogging friendships! Tho' I only stumbled on the arena, and what began as a trivial pastime has evolved into so much more. Several of the subsequent friendships I count as my BFs. No feeling like I need to put on an air-brushed version of myself.

    1. Same here. I began my blog just to see if I could do it. My conversations these days are like......"My blogging friend is doing this...or my blogging friend really inspires me....etc". I love it.

  3. I totally agree with you Shug. I did a bible study a few years ago from Kristi McClellan and she goes to Israel quite a bit and she brought a tiny bottle - it was a tear bottle - apparently tears were so valuable in Jesus' time they saved their tears in those bottles. It had significant meaning and so do yours.

    1. I love this.. I’m a going to look Kristi McClellan up. I know it was a wonderful bible study.. hugs

  4. I'm so glad I connected with you in blog land. You're right, we meet so many wonderful people here. That sweater cup is just too cute. And I love that cat picture haha.

    love you too, Shug.


    1. hey Sheri. I left you a reply but it is under Linda’s reply.. lol😂

  5. I love our Blogging Community and I pray daily for 'all who read my words.' So many lovely friends - love you!

    1. lol.. I am currently riding with my husband in the car and I replied to Sheri’s comment under you Linda. I am used to using my laptop and not my phone. Thank you for the daily prayers

  6. I feel the same Sheri.. I’ve sure enjoyed our friendship and look forward each day to reading post

  7. It is a lovely way to open up one's world.
    I have social anxiety, and going out paralyses me. This is a lovely way of opening up my eyes.

    1. Before I began blogging in 2010, I was the same...I would panic at the thought of going to the conventions that my husband would have to go to for business. I would go, but mostly sit in the booth because I had a difficult time socially. Not that blogging changed that, but I think it helped me to gain confidence...just in being able to express myself.

  8. 🩵

    I have to know, what font is "happy" written in up above in the header? I must know! That is the best font ever.

    1. I am not sure what the font is, but I'm thinking it is "Secret Recipe". I will try to find it to make sure.

    2. Shug, I absolutely LOVED that "happy" font also. But there was no Secret Recipe on my fonts. Did you ever find out which one it was, I'd love to use it sometime on a post. Thanks!

  9. Gosh Ginny, can you believe that we have been blogging friends so long. I am thankful. I would love to meet you in person some day....we would have a good time.

  10. Bloggers are supportive kind people for the most part! Nice to have someone to tell your concerns to that understands and is supportive!! I hope this week is a bit calmer for you!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...