Thursday, September 5, 2024

Sept Calendar

 My September Calendar!!  πŸŒ»

🌻 Dentist appointment

🌻 Rheumatologist

🌻 Decorate our home

🌻 Retirement celebration for a friend

🌻 Hair appointment

🌻 Read and Blog, Read and Blog, Read and Blog

🌻 Bake breads

🌻 Lunch with Friends

🌻 Surgery for my niece

🌻 Homecoming (Mylee Jo was selected as the junior Homecoming Rep)

🌻 Sam's doctor's appointment

I'm sure that most of your calendar's are just as busy as mine.  For me, it is quite a challenge to balance a full calendar and to have the time to do the things I love doing.  

Blogging, Baking and taking care of my flowers are the things that I enjoy and all three of these things brings me a lot of satisfaction.  However, when juggling a full calendar of responsibilities and engagements,  it can become a bit overwhelming.  This is when time management becomes crucial for maintaining the hobbies that I love.  

If I plan ahead, I can usually make it all work out.  I just have to be flexible  and forgiving of things that do not work out the way I planned.  

I'm not very good at embracing imperfection, but I do try!!  πŸ˜…

What does your September look like? 🍁

Is it Full? πŸ‚ 

Do you handle imperfections well? 🍁

You Can't Break a Woman who gets her strength from God!! Alli Worthington

Blessings ....and don't forget to let the world see your joyful heart!! πŸ’›



  1. Hello Shug, yes, our September will be busy. It is Harvest Month!! We process a lot of our garden goodness. Salsa, soup stock, slaw, pickles... just to name a few. :-)
    Happy September!!

    1. foods are so good. I admire you all for canning your own foods from the garden..

  2. Yes, September is filling up. But I don't particularly like busy schedules myself. Imperfections are all part of our life, and if we go in that direction once in awhile, we sometimes find wonderful surprises. I love the Alli Worthington quote, and it' so true. I will write that one down today. Thanks for sharing it, and have a good rest of the week, Shug.


    1. I really do not like the busyness of what this month brings. Hoping to get back to a normal scheduled month. she does have great quotes. Enjoy!

  3. My September and October have lots of appointment. This week was five medical fun. Next week only two so far. I TRY to take each day as it comes, although I get tired of going to town. It is a 30 minute drive one way with the road construction. Then we have the 2 1/2 hour drive occasionally...I hope your appointments all go well!

  4. nothing at all on my sept calendar, my birthday is today, bob's is Oct 1 and Beau, our dog BD is Oct 14, and nothing at all on October either. Yours is really full, wow.

    1. Happy Birthday!! πŸŽ‚ I hope you have enjoyed a great day. Happy upcoming Birthday to Bob as well and of your doggie...

  5. I find for some reason - September and May tent to fill up - why I don't know. But you will get it done. I have to say I am pretty hard on myself and maybe a little too hard on others - but I try. I hope all your doctor appointments go great!

    1. Thank you....My dentist appointment was good and hopefully the rheumatologist will be as well.

  6. I have anxiety and go out as little as possible! I used to have a hospice client, but he passed on, then I got COVID!

    1. Jenn...anxiety can be very difficult to deal with. My husband had a very difficult time when he had covid. That stuff is bad.

  7. I just started posting my monthly calendar last month. Great minds think alike! I am interested in your rheumatologist appointment?

    1. I see a rheumatologist every six months. He is an excellent doctor but very hard to get in with. I actually have two autoimmune diseases. SjΓΆgren's syndrome and dermatomyositis. I take medication for both of them.

  8. Our September calendar is liberally peppered with appointments -- both for hubby (VA) and our pups (teeth). I informed him yesterday (that) I need: a) a raise and/or b) a 'me' day. Thankfully, I feel darn blessed to have 'me' time here on the blog. That's fulfilling and no mileage per diem required!

  9. What I'd give for a calendar that wasn't full, Shug. But it seems that the older we get, the more appointments with doctors pepper our months with the need to break from routines we find comfortable and comforting. However, I'm so thankful for some recent good health reports, it's all good. Blessings!

  10. I don't care about perfection. Plus I'm a mad scientist baker. I love to play and see where things go from there. What happens if I try this or that? I love it. Bring on the mystery and adventure!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Weather and Misc.

  Good Early morning sweet friends.   I got up a little early this morning.  I wanted to check on the Winter forecast for our next few days....