Friday, September 13, 2024

Mystery Horse

This Tiny horse just showed up under my mimosa tree in the front yard.  ↓↓

Sam and I attended a funeral this morning for a precious lady (One of his older cousin's wife).   After the service, we had to rush to make it to Sam's doctor's appointment with his liver specialist.  

We got home around 3:00 this afternoon.  I went in to change my clothes, and just happened to glance out our bedroom window.  I actually had to take a second look.  
Standing there under my mimosa tree was this little concrete horse.  

I asked Sam if he put it there and his answer was NO.  I went outside and looked at the thing, just trying to figure out where in the world it came from.  
It was a Mystery Horse!!

We got our clothes changed and had to rush out to go to Mylee's Volleyball game, still wondering who put this thing in my yard.   

Our family has a  texting group.....all 17 of us are on this group page.  

I sent out a text and asked them if any of them knew who put this in my yard..
Of course....they laughed and joked about me imagining that I saw a horse.  

A few minutes later, I received a phone call from none other than our youngest grandson...
He keeps me laughing all the time, because he laughs all the time.
He said: "Shug....I'm gonna fess up.  I put the horse in your yard!"  Of course, Sam knew all along that it was Trey.  

Yesterday, Trey was working down at the farm. The farm is made up of 625 acres, and there are areas on this land that no one has walked on in years!!  
 Trey has been marking a section of the land, (for a new road to be put in) and while doing so, he surprisingly came upon this horse. 
1. How could it have possibly gotten there? 
2.  How long has it been out there in the woods?

Who Knows!  Sam's family has owned this land for over 80 years and this section of the land, is not accessible from a public road. 

Mystery Horse it is!!





  1. Will you keep it there? Will you move it? It is cute, and looks antiquey. I would love it in my yard.

    1. I agree...I have decided to keep it out there under the mimosa tree...grandson loves the idea of me hanging on to it

  2. I would love to find that horse in my yard. its a work of art. I love it.. you are blessed with a fun and funny grandson.

    1. It does look like a work of art. And yes...this youngest grandson is such a great guy...full of energy and full of laughter.

  3. A strange sight for sure, Shug. Your grandson sounds like a delightful young man with a great sense of humor. Have a blessed weekend!

    1. Oh goodness...this youngest grandson is truly a delight. We call him our gentle giant. He loves playing jokes on us and is always laughing.

  4. Oh, how cool is this!!! Have a beautiful weekend and I love your new look here too. smiles

  5. That small horse is so delightful, and that was a thoughtful gesture for your grandson to put it on your lawn as a surprise. You will always be reminded of this story of the mystery horse when you look at it every day. : ) Such a cute post today, Shug.


  6. Replies
    1. I have had so many compliments on this simple horse, so I have decided to keep it right where Trey put it.

  7. Love it! Not just the cute little horse but who surprised you with it. The relationship you have with your youngest grandson is very special.

  8. Now you will think of your Grand every time you see the horse:) I rather like the way it has weathered:)

  9. Oh my gosh - that was so funny - are you going to keep it? I love it. Nice and sweet of your grandson!

    1. Our Trey is full of life and loves to play jokes. I am going to keep this ol horse...and even give it a name. lol

  10. What a delightful surprise! I love his sense of humor. Now, what are your going to name the mystery horse?

    1. I was telling someone that I might name this horse Mystery!! Our Trey (grandson) is so full of life and a great young man.

  11. Keep it! It looks artistic and like you said, a mystery!

    1. It does look artistic and I have no idea how old the thing is. Mystery indeed. Mystery might be a good name for it.


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