Thursday, September 12, 2024

Rain.....what a beautiful song for which we are fortunate enough to hear.   

For the past two days, we have had a soft falling rain.  I had to run a couple of errands this morning and was dreading getting out on the wet roads.  However, I found myself enjoying the gentleness of the drops as they fell on my windshield.  

Just a few drops left on the windshield..

 I observed the droplets, as they gathered on my windshield, and my thoughts focused on how each drop, as individual as they may seem, ultimately come together to form something much greater.  

Much greater as in the puddles that I love to walk through.  Did you play in puddles of water as a child?  I know you did.  I still love walking barefoot in them to this day.  

I took a few pictures of my plants, and I was thrilled to see how each blade of this grass was lined with water droplets.  Flowers thrive under the tender fall of the rain and we are Blessed to witness the beauty that comes from the new growth and the blooms.  

The rain brings much nourishment to the plants and much like the flowers and plants, we need to allow ourselves to be nourished by the word of God.  I love it when God opens the flood gates of heaven and lets His love and power rain down upon us.  

Does this picture mean Fall or does it mean.....we needed rain?   Maybe a bit of both, but most definitely we needed rain.  

Looks like a row of little clear bugs on the purple grass

It is fun to admire the simple elegance of raindrops.  Most of us do not enjoy getting rained on when we are out running errands, but it is so nice to understand that God sends the rain to refresh the earth.  
I need to be better at refreshing my heart each day, and looking for more ways to reach out to others, with kindness and  love. 

Blessings to each of you on this rainy Thursday, here in East Texas. 



  1. Bring on the rain, I love it! So nice to fall asleep to. IMO.

  2. Beautiful, my friend. Both in photos and in words. Thank you for reminding me to look closer and enjoy all the things. Have a cozy evening!

  3. Raindrops can sure create art. I recognize a Coleus. But what is the frilly plant in your header? So unusual!

  4. I had no idea that hummingbirds love Four 0'Clocks! This is why I have been seeing so many hummingbirds lately!! Thanks!

  5. Yesterday it sprinkled as I was driving home. Loved the fragrance, the cloud and the cooler forecast for this week!

  6. No rain for many days up here. Your plants looks so pretty with water droplets!

  7. We need rain here, too, Shug. How I love your water droplet photos! May we all take the time to see God's beauty in every season of the year. Blessings!

  8. Thanks for visiting me. Apologies for just getting back to you...I am not on the computer much during the week. Have a beautiful rest of your Friday.

  9. So glad to hear you got rain! That's always a good thing. It refreshes everything and makes it clean once again. Your plants must have loved it. The spider-like plant is pretty. And the leaves are already starting to fall. What a wonderful photo.

    Have a peaceful weekend, Shug.


  10. Your rain photos were wonderful. It looked so refreshing! I used to play in the rain - not so much anymore. Your plants looked so happy too!


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