Thursday, September 26, 2024

Long Time Friends


Friendships often begin while we are in school.
Many times when we enter High School, those friendships sometimes go in opposite directions.  There are many reasons for this, but it mainly is because of schedules and extracurricular activities that each may choose. 

In the case of the "Gypsy Queens" 
(my precious friends) there are four of us. 
Two of us attended Elementary together and the other two came to our school as Freshman's.  
Even though Joyce and I attended school together, from the 4th grade until graduation, we never were what I would consider close friends.  Friends we were, but never hung out together.  
As far as Susie and Vicki.....we became friends in High School because they along with my husband, transferred to my High School from another town.  Sam, Susie and Vicki were already friends.  
We all were involved in other things, so as far as hanging out....Sam was the only one, out of the three, that I was close to.  Reason being..we were boyfriend and girlfriend.  

We all graduated and went separate ways...except for Sam and I.  We got married a couple of years later.  
Sam was the president of our senior class, so when it came time for our 5 year class reunion, he gathered up some old classmates to help us plan this big event.  
Joyce, Susie, Vicki, Sam, myself, and about 5 other people were on that first planning group. 
We held several meetings and of course, after the reunion (which was a huge turnout) we had to have an "after reunion meeting."  Then we had to have another meeting to discuss the finances, which is what we were supposed to be doing at the first "after the reunion" meeting.  
We didn't have time to discuss the finances at the first post reunion meeting because we were having to much fun discussing how everyone had changed in just 5 short years.  LOL....😂😂😂
We all continued getting together, going out to eat, vacationing together, having dinner at each other's homes, going to plays at the civic theater......and making a 4-5 day trip to Branson every year.  
This has been going on for the past 50 + years.  We have done some fun things and have so many memories.  We all say that when one goes to the nursing home, we all are going to go.  We plan on hiring us a private activity she can keep up with us and all the fun we like to have.  

We are ALL best of friends.  💙💛💙💛

I might say....that out of the first original reunion planning  group, a few of them chose not to remain on the committee. Seven of us (4 women and 3 men) have continued for all of the 10 reunions that have been planned.  
(We have a reunion every 5 years)

The four of us ladies have lunch one day each month, and this is a lunch date that we all look forward to.  We had lunch yesterday, and already have our date set for the October lunch outing.  

These lunch gatherings bring, immeasurable joy.  We are always there to support each other in every way possible.  We have laughed, cried, prayed, and shared so much together.  We have been there for each other during family losses, illnesses,  
achievements, and all kinds of life's struggles as well as celebrating the joyful adventures. 

Next month....we are looking at driving to a neighboring town....Having a nice juicy hamburger with sweet pot fries....and then, doing a little antique shopping...
Can't wait...

HaPpY ThUrsDaY 🌻


PS:  Praying for all of my Florida friends...Stay safe!


  1. Long-time friends are the best kind.

  2. How blessed you are! A wonderful and close family, and great friends. And I am betting that you are so much FUN to be around!!

  3. My long time friends have passed away, leaving me with dear memories. Only one remains and she’s busy with her aged mother and they live several hours from me.!New friends have entered my life - not the same but God provides, doesn’t He?

  4. I am wonderfully jealous and very happy for you. Awesome Gypsy lady.

  5. It is good to have long time friends! I am so lucky to have Susie in my life, we had lunch yesterday. I have known her since 1975...lots of ups and downs through the years. My husbands best friend died in about 1993 it was very sad and we both miss him to this day.

  6. Friends are the best thing, Ever. Larry and I have 3 other couples that we've known since elementary...We try to get together every few months, or so. Two of the couples live out of state so it makes it hard to see everyone at the same time...but when we do get together, no matter how many, we have such fun.
    Glad you have a "pack" to run with!!

  7. I love that you all have been friends since high school, Shug. Wow! Friendship is such a gift that we should never take for granted. Blessings!

  8. I enjoyed this post so much, Shug, outside of family I believe friends are one of the greatest blessings from out heavenly Father! You Girls just keep it up! Thank you for visiting my blog and for your sweet comment, I am having a slow time getting back to blogging, but I am not giving up!~smile~

  9. That's amazing that you all meet together for years. That's true friendship.
    Makes me a little wishful too.
    My friends from high school are few and far between. @ that were my bridesmaids 60 years ago have passed away. Really never kept up friendship after graduating, due to moving, one going down the wrong path, and the other just kind of disappeared..all very sad.
    Being involved in church is where my friendships have centered and I am so grateful for each and every one of them.

  10. Me, too. Wonderfully jealous, that is! Due to geographical and (unfortunately) political differences, my BF and I've parted ways. I'm still friends with a few others, but 'close.' Too much water gone under that bridge.
    Now I'm curious if you've read The Girls from Ames, the true story of 11 girls' 40-year friendship. (

  11. I LOVE this!!! Friendships are a true treasure. :-)

  12. What an absolutely wonderful post, my friend! I love that you have these amazing friendships! Have a cozy weekend!


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