Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Ageless Fun

Today's Post....
Ageless Fun! 

Magical fun speaks loudly during the Autumn Season.  I know for me, I love how the air turns crisp, and the trees perform their annual act of transformation, of turning vibrant colors.  Sometimes...even here in Texas, we get to see some of those beautiful hues of orange, red and yellow colored leaves.    I have often heard people refer to Fall in the Northern states, as "Nature's Confetti."

When I was growing up, my siblings and I loved playing in the big piles of leaves.  We would take turns being the one fully covered in leaves.  I loved every minute of this fun thing we did.  

Back when our daughters were little, we would fill the back of the truck bed up with leaves and they would serve as "Hay" for our leaf ride.  
The fun thing about this was as we drove down the old dirt roads, the leaves would go swirling all around us.  We had fun....and the leaves disappeared...  No raking and no leave burn piles.  
Around this same time, Sam and I were looking for a place to build a new home.  I told him that I wanted a place that had big trees so that I could rake leaves and have burn piles.  We found the perfect spot with Huge trees just as I had wanted...we had plenty of leaves during the Fall.  It only took 
🍁ONE🍁 Fall season for me to realize that I no longer wanted to rake leaves!  lol 😂  

Nostalgia and Childhood Memories....this is what I think about when Fall arrives.  Even though I am much older now, I still believe that playing isn't just for children.  I love visiting the pumpkin patches, jumping in the leaves, going to Hay mazes....Corn mazes,  handing out Halloween treats, carving jack-o'-lanterns, making s'mores around the fire, and visiting Fall festivals.  SOOO many fun things to do, even as we age.  

Ageless Fun 


I had lunch today with my girlfriends...."The Gypsy Queens."
We ate at a Mexican Restaurant..

I had a chicken breast with tortilla soup.  I always enjoy our monthly lunch with these ladies.  
Oh...and I had a Sopapilla with Butter and Honey!!  YUM!!

Well.......time to rest these tired feet of mine...
See y'all tomorrow...




  1. Do you and Sam still live in this same house? What a fun idea for the kids in the truck bed! Better than hay!

    1. The kids always loved the leaf ride...We sold that house back when our girls were in HS. Built another home, sold that one about 10 years later and moved to where we are now.

  2. What nice clean fun.I don’t mind the leaves or at least I try not to complain after all they do a fantastic job of shading my house. Just the price of having trees. And they give back so much - beautiful fall colors and cheap fun in the back of a truck!
    However, as a Daycare provider for decades I can’t tell you how many little shoes I had to clean because of “hidden surprises” left by dogs” left in the leaves! What a mess! 💩

    1. Hey Debby...Trees are so valuable. Hmmm. Never thought about the Mess 💩 being on the ground under the leaves. Thank goodness we never ran into that problem... lol

  3. I like the shade but I could do with a few less leaves around here, left on the grass and they will kill the grass over the winter. So I mulch for many days. In my younger years I played in the leaves not so much anymore:)

    1. For us, the hardest tree leaves to deal with are the Pecan tree leaves. You have the leaves and the stems....not fun.

  4. I love crunching through fall leaves!

    1. Me too Kathy...I love the sound that the leaves make when you step on them..a fun crunch..

  5. Fall is such a colorful time, and a great time for travel and outings now that the weather is not so hot. The photo of the little girl in big sunglasses and swimsuit is a little inappropriate though, little kids shouldn't be presented as dolled-up tarts in bikinis and floozy hairdos....Just saying.

    1. I'm guessing we have never met in bogland. sorry if the photo bothered you. It is actually a meme....not my picture. I don't really consider it to be exposing in any way. I prefer not to receive anonymous comments. Thank you.

  6. Oh my goodness Shug, I totally agree with staying a child at heart. Dan laughs at my "playhouse". I love the leaves too and always wanted a place with lots of trees...well I got it and am overwhelmed with leaves to rake, and fallen limbs to pick up. :) Love your Fall post!!

    1. I love your idea of having a playhouse...leaves make good mulch so hopefully those that you don't rake, can make for good fertilizer for your yard.

  7. Well hello Gypsy Queen - I LOVE that. And what is it about fall that makes us feel comfortable and like home? If you lived in GA you might be tired of raking leaves though. But a few leaves are great. Fall is awesome. Love your fall posts.

    1. I know you all do have a lot of trees and I'm sure y'all have those beautiful colors as well. We have a lot of Pine trees and of course, the needles only turn brown. Happy Thursday

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you Martha...Hope I can stay young at heart for a very long time.

  9. You're so right, Shug, playing in the leaves and Fall festivals and pumpkin patches are not just for children. I love them as well this time of year. And then there are caramel apples too! Your story was delightful about you and your siblings playing in a big pile of leaves. I've never heard of nature's confetti before, I like that. As you know, I'm in northern California, pretty far up, so we do get the pretty colors of Fall. That inner child picture is so cute. The tortilla soup sounds delicious, and a fun time with the girls. Don't know if you have a Chevy's there, but they have the best tortilla soup. The leaves on your side bar are perfect, and I love your title today, Ageless Fun.


    1. Unfortunately, we do not have a Chevy's. I love tortilla soup and could eat it several times a week. You are right...Pumpkin patches are for everyone. Happy Thursday Sheri.

  10. What great memories you have of playing in the leaves. I think those kind of things help keep us young at heart.
    I may have to do a repeat blog post about playing in the leaves with 2 of our granddaughters. It was a bucket list dream for my hubby Dave.
    So happy you were able to get into my blog. If you cruise through the back posts you can find out a lot more about me.
    Enjoy your day

    1. I like to try to stay young at husband I think has been turning 80 for years and he is still 9 years away. LOL. He is a good one though. I will go back and check your older post...Thanks Sue

  11. What great memories! I love the idea of a leaf ride!
    After living in Arizona, I absolutely loved our fallen leaves -- so much so, I forbid Tom from raking them. Now that he's physically unable to do that sort of thing, I'm just waiting for them to mulch. Or not. Thanking my stars we no longer live in an HOA community!

    1. some of those HOA's can really be difficult. My grandson lives in an area with an HOA. The day after he moved in, he had a big Note in his mailbox referring to the grass being too tall...


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