Sunday, July 28, 2024

What I love about Sunday's

"That's What I Love about Sunday".  by Craig Morgan.

I tried to post the link to this song, but my computer was just not cooperating with me.  

"That's what I love about Sunday, Sing along as the choir sways, Every verse of amazing Grace, an' then we shake the preacher's hand, Go home, into your blue jeans, Have some chicken an' some baked beans, Pick a back yard football team, Not do much of anything....That's what I love about Sunday"

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"New Believers gettin' baptized, Momma's hands raised up high, Havin' a hallelujah good time, a smile on everybody's face, That's what I love about Sunday"

It is a Beautiful Sunday and a great opportunity to thank the Lord for reminding us how blessed we are....

One of the most beautiful aspects of a Sunday is the opportunity this day provides for personal renewal.  As we all know, we live in a "world wind" world.  And, if you are one who watches the news, ( I DO NOT like the news).. it is easy to get wrapped up in so many negative things happening all around us.  I am extremely thankful for Sunday's!  This is the perfect day,  where I can refuel my soul and instead of focusing on the negative things happening, I can pivot my thought to giving God praise for all of the Blessing in my life.  

CHURCH......participating in worship and praise during Sunday services are so refreshing, and I find that involving myself deeply in the singing of hymns, praying and fully listening to the sermon, is so uplifting, and helps me to gain spiritual strength.  Of course...I love the fellowship too!!!!

What I love about Sunday morning church, is that it provides me with a designated time to step away from the daily grind and allows me to be able to focus on my spiritual life in a deeper manner.  

I do hope you all are having a Spirit filled day....Big hugs to all.

Coming this week:  5 generation photos, recipes, a few confessions, an announcement, and some sprinkles of love!  Stay tuned!



  1. This is the happiest most joyful post ever!!! Hope you are having a very restful Sunday!

  2. Sundays are so special. These are a few splendid reasons for you to love Sundays, Shug. Thanks for sharing your heart with us. "Not do much of anything" is my favorite. We are so busy during the weeks coming and going, and it's so nice to rest and just be still on the Lord's day. Looking forward to your upcoming posts. : )


  3. Oh Shug, I so agree - there is something so very special about Sunday - being able to gather with those of like minded faith to worship the Lord - the most precious day of the week! The lyrics to the song you shared are beautiful! I agree - the news is so awful these days, that can really wreck havoc with your peace. Blessings to you dear friend!

  4. During the COVID lockdowns, many people experienced a sense of loss and isolation from not being able to physically attend church services on Sundays. Some individuals became accustomed to the convenience of live streaming from their homes and did not return to in-person services. However, while live streaming provides a helpful alternative for those who are unwell, it cannot replace the sense of community and collective worship experienced in a physical church setting.
    I earnestly hope that those who have become distant from the church community will return, much like the prodigal son, so that we can all come together to worship as one family on Sundays.

  5. last Sunday, after worship, we saw many went to seafood market.... love to meet them there.

  6. I love Sundays too.


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