Saturday, June 29, 2024


 Summer time is when most families take those much needed vacations. Starting the first week in June until the middle of August is the most convenient time for families to Travel.  NO SCHOOL

Of course, a lot of people choose to take Christmas ๐ŸŽ„ vacations or perhaps they plan a nice get-a-way for ๐ŸŽฟ Spring Break.  

As for me....I enjoy a Summer vacation, but I also enjoy slipping away during the months of September, October or November.  

The older I get, the more I prefer to fly instead of driving those long distances.  The only problem with this is that you can pretty well count on two somewhat wasted days.  The day you fly out and the day you fly back home. 

Airports are so busy! By the time you finally reach your destination, you then have to spend time picking up your rental car, getting to the  hotel or cabin, and most importantly finding somewhere to EAT.  This makes for a FULL day.

  The ultimate adventure of flying is in arriving two hours early at the airport, standing in the endless security lines and then the wait game to see if your plane will be on time or not.  

When you fly, there is always that bit of anticipation as to whether or not your seat is next to that one person.  You know...the one who snores loudly, an active toddler. ๐Ÿ˜ 

Oh geez....I forgot to talk about my suitcase!  This is the biggest issue when we fly.  They allow your bag to weigh 50 pounds.  Are you kidding me.  My shoes alone weigh almost that much.  Mainly, because I have to make sure I have the right shoes for whatever it is that I'm going to be doing. 

Is 7 or 8 pairs of shoes to many? 

And then, there is my PILLOW, my 15 or so sets of clothes, and all of my other daily stuff.  

Of course...I have to leave room for all the absurd items that I find to bring back home.  

Sam and I traveled to Hawaii a good many years ago, and we had to purchase an extra suitcase when we were there, just to bring back the junk we bought.  Where is that stuff now?  In someone else's garage sale or in a landfill. 

I often ask myself when on a trip....."Is this a vacation?" Many times I work harder on vacation.  Just having to make extra decisions, such as selecting a good restaurant that pleases everyone, can be overwhelming. Also...there's always a whole lot of work in loading and unloading luggage each time you change hotels.


Traveling can sure be a wild adventure!!!!  There are those things that we recapture in our minds, and they usually include the chaos moments or mishaps. After all, it truly is the unexpected happenings, that make us laugh. And for years to come, when the family gathers, a famous question always comes up..... "Do you remember when??" 

As in...Do you Remember when Shug fell down the very SANDY hill, when we were leaving the beach? LOL..yes, this really happened.     

Do any of you have Vacation plans for the Summer?      

we vacationed in May....took a trip to California.

If money was no issue....where would you want to travel to?

I would travel to Ireland.  

What has been your families favorite vacation?

Too many to choose from.  Panama City Florida, South Dakota? Disney World? Colorado?  I feel sure that our family would say the Beach vacations that we took each year to Rosemary Beach on 30A. 

I sure enjoy reading about Jim and Barb and all of their stress free adventures.  Check out their blog at

Wherever you choose to travel, remember to explore new places, relax, and enjoy every moment.  OH...and take plenty of pictures...๐Ÿ“ท




  1. We just returned from a trip to Alaska. We always get souvenirs for our 7 grandkids when we vacation-usually T-shirts and also get a Christmas ornament for ourselves. We didn't have any extra room in our bags and didn't want to check an extra bag, so I looked at all the T-shirts and ornaments and decided on what I liked. Then when we got home, I ordered everything from Amazon Prime! Cheaper than they would be in the souvenir shops and so easy!

  2. Would you believe i have never flown? I love your hat with the blue flower! Where are you going next?

  3. We did a family house boat trip in Northern Minnesota years ago and it was awesome. We will be away a few days in October to see our youngest Granddaughter married to the love of her life! Sadly we will not all be able to be there.

  4. Oh Shug, I hear you on the traveling. I don't like it at all, but you're right, I think it's better than driving a long way at this point in my life. I get to So Cal from northern Cal in about an hour, and that's not bad at all. And I'm a light packer, and only take one carry on! Don't bring many shoes or clothes, and just wash stuff at the girls' houses. I don't have to worry about hotels either, as I stay with the girls every time. I try to get in the security line first thing, so I can get that over with and just hang out waiting to board. But I do not like the middle seat, and I have often been pleasantly surprised to get a window or isle seat. But it all takes most of the day, and not fun, in my opinion. I hope these suggestions helped a little, cause flying can be stressful, right?

    I hope your travel plans in the future go smoothly for you, Shug. : )


  5. We were supposed to go to Alaska in 2020. Covid. We were planning a trip to Israel this year. Not happening. Honestly I don’t enjoy traveling like I did when I was younger. All the packing stresses me, the planning isn’t fun. I used to love flying and now I don’t. One time I was flying from Seattle back to San Francisco ( pre-9-11) I boarded the plane and then this crashing sound and a big jolt -looked out the window and the wing fell off the plane due to a baggage
    cart crashing into it. I flew out later that evening and a terrible storm with the worst turbulence I ever felt was all the way to SFO. I have flown since but it’s no longer enjoyable when I was blissfully ignorant. I’ve sat next to stinky people, talkative people and argumentative people! Oy vey, all I want to do is sleep!๐Ÿ’ค
    I much prefer spontaneous car trips these days. We used to have a 34 foot motorhome and that was fun until the gas prices were too expensive.

  6. After a twelve hour drive to Florida a few weeks ago - I'm over long car trips! I told my husband that if it's over a five hour drive we are for sure flying. I feel that we wasted two full days just in driving. Flying is just so much easier and much more exciting to me. And yes, Ireland is top on my list of places to visit someday. I can't wait to finally get there. Where did you visit in California? My best friend lives in Souther California. I've never visited Northern California, but I'd love to go to Carmel and Napa Valley.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........