Friday, June 28, 2024

Big Surprise!

 I had a Big Surprise today!!  Not only a Big surprise, but the BEST kind of surprise....

And this ↑↑↑↑↑ was me when I saw my surprise.

Our oldest granddaughter lives in the metroplex area of a big city.  
She works and is continuing her education to be a dental hygienist.  
Sometimes it is months before we see her,  as Tori's schedule is very busy. 

Early this morning, I drove in to the car dealership near us, to get the oil changed in my car.  After doing so, I needed to make a trip to Target. 
On my way over, I called my daughter on the phone, she asked where I was heading and I told her Target. (No holding my phone as it was connected to my car) 

I was in the store and just minding my own business, when I happened to look down one isle and I see this girl.  I kinda kept walking and then I suddenly thought....that looks like Tori.  I took another step or two, and then I suddenly stepped backwards to take another look.  

YES, was my beautiful granddaughter.  

I did not know that she was home, nor did I know that she was actually in the car, when I was talking to my daughter. 

We had the BIGGEST grandmother - granddaughter hug, right there in the middle of the isle. 

Of course, we had to have lunch!

A little fried sushi it was.

I rarely eat sushi.  Maybe once or twice a year.  I like it, but just never think to get it.  

I had to grab a quick picture of this mother-daughter duo.  

"Kindness is the Art of making someone else"s day."

Tori made my day!! I sure loved my Big Surprise!

Have you had any surprise lately??





  1. This made me smile.... and I can feel the love of family right through this post.

  2. What a wonderful surprise! ☺️

  3. Granddaughters are the best! She is a beauty! :)

  4. What a fun and happy post! How cool that she was just there to surprise you in Target! Also, I love your colorful and clever header!

  5. What a wonderful surprise to see your granddaughter at the store. She is so lovely, Shug. I like that picture of her on the horse. Sushi is not a favorite, but I know people who love it. And the fortune cookies are always a fun thing.

    Have a peaceful weekend, Shug.


  6. Spontaneous surprises are extra fun. Glad you were able to do lunch together! Beautiful daughter and granddaughter!


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