Tuesday, June 11, 2024

It's a Wrap

Let's get this vacation 2024 wrapped up!!

Sam and I left the kids and traveled up the coast line of California the next day.  

As many of you know.....The California coast line is absolutely beautiful.....So much different from the Gulf of Mexico or the Atlantic Ocean coast lines.  

Each of them are beautiful in their own way.

We enjoyed stopping to see the Elephant Seals and listening to them make their trumpeting calls and making a variety of deep barking sounds.

Just basking in the Sun!!

A bit blurry because I took this picture while riding in the car.  I love the Blue water...

One thing about California......there are always beautiful flowers growing along the roads.  Beautiful flowers everywhere...

Our flight home left at 6:00 am.....which meant we had to get up EARLY.
It was a great flight home, and then we had to step off of that plane and absorb the TEXAS Heat......and HUMIDITY..

That's a wrap on this trip....

On to other things tomorrow.....




  1. Thanks for saying nice things about my state. It’s nice you can look beyond the troubles we have and still appreciate the beauty. For me it is home!

  2. The field of purple flowers is gorgeous, and is my favorite photo here!! Just that would be worth the entire trip for me.

  3. Hi Shug...I loved reading all about your vacation! What a wonderful time you and your "forever love" had. And those great-grands are totally adorable! Oh, stop my rapidly beating heart... It is so wonderful to have a break like that! Also, thanks so much for your visits to Writing Straight from the Heart. I love when you stop by. Take care and enjoy each moment of life! Susan

  4. P.S. I don't know why my comment came out Anonymous. So sorry about that. This is Susan from Writing Straight from the Heart!

  5. Look at all those seals on the sand, what a sight! That's a great photo of the one seal up close. The pink flowers are beautiful. That photo should be in a magazine. And a sweet picture of you and Sam. Thank you for sharing your California trip with us, Shug. I'm glad you're back home safe and sound.


  6. Such beautiful pictures! I have never been to California but would love to drive along the coast!


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Something New

  If you've ever wondered just how much of a Texas twang I might have, today is your day to find out.  I recorded this little video this...