Monday, April 8, 2024

Texas Eclipse

Texas Eclipse.........April 8th, 2024

I mean, Texas folks are serious about their horses and livestock.  

I thought this picture was cute when a friend of mine posted it on her Facebook page.  

Jersey Cow....

And then there are these two!!

To be serious, and in all honesty......this was the most amazing happening I have ever witnessed.  God's power was everywhere!

I have seen many photos today of this great phenomenon that I saw with my own eyes, and as great as they have been, nothing compares to being in the presence as real as this.   The moon passing in front of the sun.....the daylight turning to darkness.....the significant change in the temperature, this was all prepared for us by the hands of God.  The VERY hands of God.  What a tremendous blessing!

this photo was taken by a local photographer around here.  ↑

A few of the photos I took with my iPhone.....↓

The darkening of the sky!

this picture that I took with the clouds rolling in.

It is amazing how the clouds would appear, and then roll away.  I heard Sam praying "Dear Lord" please allow the clouds to separate long enough for us to view your great Power.  
And.....the clouds were gone long enough for us to not only view the total eclipse, but for us to see the darkness, to see the moon  completely cross over the sun.    

What an awesome God we serve!

this is a day I will never forget......
Thank you Lord!

Shug.  🌒


  1. Wow! Shug, your photos are better than the ones I saw on T.V. today!! And the one looks like the sky is on fire!! I am so glad you were both able to see it! LOVE the horses wearing bras!!

  2. One has to wonder what the primitive people thought when an eclipse happened. That indeed had to think that the world was ending.

  3. These are neat pictures, Shug. I especially like that last one. Incredible sky photos for sure.



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