Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Running Behind

 Running Behind..........  WHY.    ↓↓↓↓

You know......some weeks are just a bit more full than other weeks, and this has been one busy week for me.  My mind and body, are just now on Monday, but yet, it is already Wednesday. 


for one thing......I have spent a lot of time in my flowers....(since we finally have some sunshine) AND as you can see from my header photo and the one above, my flowers are looking BEAUTIFUL.


What happens when you lose weight?  You can no longer wear the clothes in your closet!!!
I am not complaining about this at all.   I have dropped about 35  pounds and now my Spring/Summer clothes are all tooooooo Big for me!!

I spent one day this week shopping for clothes.  Hey, did you know that most all of the clothing stores are now stocked with these SHORT tops, which are not too flattering on older people???  


These are adorable!

Just not for someone my age.



 I decided to try my luck on AMAZON...   I ordered 6 tops and I received them this morning.  This did not work!!!!  All of them are being RETURNED.  

Not only are they cheap looking, but the sizes are totally not what they are supposed to be.

Guess I need to learn to SEW.


On Monday......My Girlfriends and I....."The Gypsy Queens" had our monthly lunch date.  

This time, we went to "Bubba's" and we split appetizers.  We all ordered something  different and I will say....this was the way to go.   

When we get together, we are as happy as clams at high tide!!


Spicy Shrimp!!  Loaded Fries!! Spinach Dip!! and Garlic Knotts!!  Plus...we each had a salad.  


These little lunch dates are so important and we usually spend about 2 hours just eating and catching up!!   Love my Friends.



Sam and I voted today!!  We have lived in our little "City with a Heart" for 52 years and actually......Sam has lived her for 71 years.  

Never, ever, has there been Any kind of issues with the mayor and City council of this small town......until now.
We have a newly elected Mayor and WOW .... there has been a lot of turmoil for the past 8 months or so.  
We also have a lot of new people that have moved here, and I'm guessing they must have come from BIG cities, cause the strife and demands are ridiculous.   The new mayor is also new to our town.  
Our little town has always been more like a "Hallmark" kind of town and I really prefer it to stay this way. 

Let me end with something Positive....

"Good, better, best.  Never let it rest.  Until YOUR good is better and your better is BEST." 



  1. Have you tried Chicos? It's a nice store. Their sizes are different, like an 8-10 pants is a size 1 or something like that.

    1. Thank you for reminding me about Chicos. We have one, but I always forget about that shop. I will check them out.

  2. Thank you for commenting on my blog and mostly, visiting! I order tops on Amazon and so far so good. But jeans or shorts - no! Lately I am unable to find what I like. Many stores in my town have closed up shop and left. Next will be restaurants. Too bad about the turmoil the new mayor and new people have brought to your town. Please tell me they’re not from California trying to make your town more Californiafied!

  3. Hello Shug. How delighted I was that you visited my blog, Writing Straight from the Heart. Please stop by anytime. Your flowers are truly gorgeous. Great job. Have a good rest of the week. Susan


  4. Your flowers are beautiful! What are the small pale blue ones? These short cropped tops are everywhere, and it is hard to find the usual longer ones now! I was just complaining to another blogger about WHY aren't clothes sizes standardized?? Different manufacturers, even different styles, all fit differently despite having the same size labels! Congrats on your weight loss!!! It is so hard.

  5. Oh, I love that knitted short top, but I agree, not for someone my age. So sorry the clothes you ordered didn't work out. I also bought a dress on-line, and we'll see how it works out for the fundraiser coming up. I think it looks better on the model than me haha. Your flowers are coming along beautifully. So much fun to get together with friends every month and catch up and eat and laugh. That's too bad about your city council with all the changes. I know what you mean. New people move into town, and sometimes when trying to improve things, they only make them worse.

    It's always a pleasure to visit with you, Shug. Your posts are truly lovely.


  6. 35 lbs, that is incredible! I have never bought any clothes on line but have heard horror stories similar to yours. We too have a lot of transplants in our area. So far nothing has changed, but it only takes one or two to get things riled up!

  7. Hi, I have been having trouble with clothing too. In fact, I ordered my same kind of underwear that I always order.. they all were different sizes when they showed up!!!!
    Sending a big hug about the changes in your community. It is happening here too. Sadly, not many of us want what is going on, but we cannot stop it because the Federal Government is forcing it.


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