Wednesday, April 10, 2024


 Did you go on a "Babymoon" before your first child was born?  Second child, or Third child??

I honestly had not heard of a baby moon before, however, I know several couples who are expecting, and many of them have taken this kind of celebratory vacation.  

I know that if Sam and I could have afforded a trip like this when our first child was born, we certainly would have done so.  Same for our second daughter....we did not have the extra cash to take a trip.  We were focused on building our first house when Trista was born, and two years later, we were building a second home when it was time for Shan to be born.   Wow.....those were the days of living on lower incomes!  

Our grandson and his beautiful wife are presently on their "Babymoon" in Hawaii.

Isn't this neat?  

I am thrilled for them to have this time to relax and just enjoy each other, before their little one gets here.  

They are both very thankful for this Blessing of being able to take this vacation.

Update on the pier and dock from all the rain we got yesterday...

just a few hours later......the walk way and dock was covered in Water.  It is still raining right now.  I am sure that by the time the rain stops, we will have had at least 8 inches of rain.  I guess one could say that we have had a REAL FROG WASH around here.  

Tomorrow brings SUNSHINE ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž



  1. Hi Shug! I've never heard of a baby moon! Like you, we were so poor when we were first married, we were luck to take a day trip, let alone a real vacation! But, I think it's wonderful that young couples can get away and have some time with each other before they have children... what a darling photo, and congrats to them!! I am shocked at all the rain you guys have had! I know things will dry out too soon. We are enjoying some decent weather for a change, but it won't last too long. Enjoy your week, Shug! Hugs and Love, Barb

  2. Hi Shug! Oh, my, goodness! I just went back and looked at you eclipse phots! They are gorgeous!! I'm so glad you posted your photos of it. Isn't it facinating to see how the who atmosphere changes... so pretty! Hugs, Barb!

  3. Yikes, the pier is totally covered in water! I have never heard of a Baby Moon, but what a great idea. Your header is out of this world gorgeous!! It just hit me upside the head with stunning beauty.

  4. WOW - that is a lot of rain! Hope things recede and settle down quickly. I have to admit, I've never heard of a babymoon but so glad that the soon to parents are having a good time.

  5. Hi, I love the photo of the two sweethearts.
    To answer your question ... I have my own flower business. :-) It is seasonal, I grow my own flowers that I use in my bouquets. Thank you for asking me.
    Love, Carla

  6. I was 20 when I was pregnant with Nel, and 21 when she was born, so No, we didn't have any extra money for luxuries. We were both so young and just starting out in our little home. So nice that your grandson was able to celebrate with a trip to Hawaii. Many kids nowadays are having their babies later. Hawaii is such a beautiful place to visit. Wow, the rain came up and covered the dock and walkway. What a blessing to get that much rain.

    Have a peaceful weekend, Shug. I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading your posts. : )


  7. We could barely afford a baby! No babymoons for us!


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