Monday, March 25, 2024

Dandelion Wishes

 Why do People Wish on dandelions?  Dandelions have been associated with magic, wishes, and the granting of desires!

If you are able to blow all of the seeds of a dandelion off at once, the person you love will love you back.

I'm not sure about all of these things, however, I do know that it is fun to pick them and then enjoy having the chance and the optimism within you to believe that a wish will come true.  This is what I've always been told.

I remember as a child, my sister and I would go out looking for dandelions. It was a competition for us, in seeing who could collect the most without causing any of the seeds to blow off.  After we had gathered them, we would try to blow them all at once to see how big of a cloud we could make with the seeds blowing in the air.  

Fun times, that every kid should get to experience.  


Once again.....we had lots of rain today!
Sam and I had to make a trip to Dallas today {Dallas is about a 100 miles from us}....
AND....the rain was so heavy.  I was really very nervous about traveling on the interstate with it raining so hard.  
Thank you Lord for watching over us!
Sam had an MRI done, and the hospitals in our local area did not have the machine for the type of MRI that Sam needed. 

It took about an hour and half to complete his test, and I was very thankful that when we left, the SUN 🌞 was shining. 
I drove home, because the doctor had given Sam some relaxing meds before his test.  
Dallas is a HUGE city and even though I have driven there many times, I was not familiar with the area we were in today.  I did great, thanks to GPS.  

If you don't mind, just say a little prayer that the results from Sam's MRI will be in his favor.  Thank you in advance. 

One more thing about dandelions.  I read where they close when they detect moisture and reopen when the weather dries.  

I would love to know if any of you have ever made a wish by blowing on the dandelions??

Stay Amazing Friends....



  1. They make great tea too!

    Prayed for Sam.

  2. Oh Yes, I've made many wishes when I was a kid blowing on the dandelion. And they start growing on my lawn every Spring. Good for you for driving home, Shug. I'm starting to not like driving the freeways any more. And it's even scarier driving in the rain. I do hope Sam's test turns out good, and I just said a prayer for him. That's a cute story about you and your sister looking for dandelions together when you were a child. And a beautiful Header picture of the dandelion too.

    Have a blessed week, Shug.


  3. Oh yes we always wished on the Dandys! Prayers for your husband!

  4. Oh yes, I loved dandelions and made many wishes on them. Also, I remember mama picking the yellow dandelion flower and holding it under my chin. She said if the flower reflects yellow on your skin, you love butter. :) Oh I do hope and pray your Sam's MRI results are good.

  5. Hello, I enjoyed your memories and game you played with your sister.
    Sending prayers for Sam!!! Please keep us updated.


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