Friday, October 27, 2023

Need your VOTE!!

 Let's pretend we are judges in a Pumpkin

Decorating Contest!

I have seen several of these pumpkin decorating contest this year.  I saw one this morning when Sam and I went to the Doctor.  They all were so cute and I thought how difficult it might be if I were judging them.


I decided to look on the web for decorated pumpkins and there are so many cute ones.   I think it is fun to be able to showcase a person's artistic talents with these little fun contest.  

My niece (Tammy) lives at an adult home for mild to moderate disabilities.  Each house decides on a theme for their pumpkin and when they are all decorated, they display them on their FB page.  This allows the friends on FB to judge the winning PUMPKIN. 

I found a few that I thought we might all judge.....There really is not a winner, but it will be fun to see the different personalities of my blogging friends.  

                                 # 1



                                      # 2



                                   # 3



# 4


                                                                     # 5


# 6


Aren't they all adorable?  
Leave me a comment with your choice for the one you like the Best.  



  1. Wow, they are all so good and unique and creative that it is hard to choose! I do love the Pumpkin Spice Latte. And the little heater!

  2. I think #2 is fun! Love you Shug ❤️

  3. I am going with #4, I love all the creative pumpkins you shared.
    Happy Halloween.

  4. Hi Shug! I know, I'm late to the game, but... they are all adorable!! I think my favorite is the last one... gotta love the rollers!! Loved this post!! Hugs, Barb


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Birthday and Dresses

Not much going on around here today... We do have a Birthday girl in the Family 🎂        And just like that ...... she is now 17 💛        ...