Friday, October 27, 2023

Need your VOTE!!

 Let's pretend we are judges in a Pumpkin

Decorating Contest!

I have seen several of these pumpkin decorating contest this year.  I saw one this morning when Sam and I went to the Doctor.  They all were so cute and I thought how difficult it might be if I were judging them.


I decided to look on the web for decorated pumpkins and there are so many cute ones.   I think it is fun to be able to showcase a person's artistic talents with these little fun contest.  

My niece (Tammy) lives at an adult home for mild to moderate disabilities.  Each house decides on a theme for their pumpkin and when they are all decorated, they display them on their FB page.  This allows the friends on FB to judge the winning PUMPKIN. 

I found a few that I thought we might all judge.....There really is not a winner, but it will be fun to see the different personalities of my blogging friends.  

                                 # 1



                                      # 2



                                   # 3



# 4


                                                                     # 5


# 6


Aren't they all adorable?  
Leave me a comment with your choice for the one you like the Best.  



  1. Wow, they are all so good and unique and creative that it is hard to choose! I do love the Pumpkin Spice Latte. And the little heater!

  2. I think #2 is fun! Love you Shug ❤️

  3. I am going with #4, I love all the creative pumpkins you shared.
    Happy Halloween.

  4. Hi Shug! I know, I'm late to the game, but... they are all adorable!! I think my favorite is the last one... gotta love the rollers!! Loved this post!! Hugs, Barb


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