Monday, October 16, 2023

Bucket List

 Another thing to add to my Bucket List!

Our two daughters....(Trista and Shanda) along with their husbands and two other couples, made a trip to Maine this past week. 

I have never been way up in the North East part of the United States, but now I am adding this to my bucket list. 

I am so amazed with the beauty of the trees.  Our trees here in Texas are not as beautiful in the Fall as what they are in the Northern areas. 

And....they got to pick Apples!
Another thing that we don't have here.

Not sure that Sam and I could do all the hiking that they did...but I sure would like to try.

Both girls were like "Mom, you and dad have got to go to Maine and see all of the gorgeous Fall colors."
Maybe next year!


Until it comes time for this adventure on my bucket list to be fulfilled,  I will spend this Fall, decorating pumpkins!!



  1. So gorgeous and luminous!! I love this polka dot pumpkin. I would buy it if I could find it.

  2. We have always wanted to visit Maine too. It is on my bucket list.
    Thank you for sharing. :-)

  3. Hi Shug~ I have never been to Maine, but it's on my bucket list too! Gorgeous photos... the colors, wow! Keep decorating those cute pumpkins! Hugs, Barb


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