Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Seriously Speaking

 Seriously Speaking, I have had a world wind of things going on these past two months.  

But First....let me tell you how Beautiful East Texas is right now.   

I'm sitting at my desk and as I look out the window....this is what I see.  So much beauty with all the flowers, not only in my yard, but in my neighbors yard as well.  

Of course, my window screens do not do all this beauty much justice.  


Seems like it has been forever since I have been here on my blog.  Sam and I made a trip to California at the end of March, not only to visit our grandson and his family, but to take some time to view all the scenery in different areas of the state.  

The next to the last day before we were scheduled to fly home, I had a phone call saying that my little niece was having some significant problems with her knee.  

Tammy is disabled and actually lives at a very nice home for mild to moderate adults with disabilities and this home is not very far from where we live.  Maybe 10-15 minutes away.  

I received pictures of her knee and oh my goodness, I could not believe how bad it looked.  It was swollen double the size of the other knee.  Needless to say, when Sam and I got home, we picked her up and took her to the ER.  She was admitted that evening due to having sepsis in her body,  as well as her WBC being highly elevated. 

She spent over a week in the hospital and had two surgeries and ended up having to have a drain tube in her knee and a pick line in her arm.  The big infection was Staph, which had not only infected the knee tissues, but was up in her femur bone.  The Drs inserted antibiotic pellets up inside the bone.  

Tammy then had to go to a Nursing Rehab facility. She will be there for at least 2 more weeks.  She has to have antibiotics that have to be given intravenously 3 times a day and for rehab to be able to walk.  

I spent several nights at the hospital with her and have gone everyday to the Nursing Center for the past 2 months.  

I have been overwhelmed in trying to take care of her as well as doing all of my usual day to day things.  
I will say, that the facility has been a huge Blessing and I am thankful that she is getting the care she needs.


I have many pictures from our trip to California that I want to share, and will do so just as soon as I can get Tammy home and get back to my life.  LOL.  

anyways, I have missed reading all of your post and I certainly appreciate all of the many prayers that have come our way.  

Shug.  💜


  1. Oh my! Prayers for healing for Tammy and strength for you to endure.

  2. Oh my goodness, Shug! I will pray for her, bless her heart. She may have died if it were not for you!

  3. Sending prayers and love. And praying for strength for you.
    Love, Carla


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Something New

  If you've ever wondered just how much of a Texas twang I might have, today is your day to find out.  I recorded this little video this...