Monday, May 29, 2023

A Day of Remembrance

 We have had a Beautiful Day here in East Texas.......

Memorial Day:   A day of remembrance for those who died in service for our Country!

Wouldn't it be great for this special day to be perhaps on a Wednesday.....a day during the middle of the week, where the true focus would be on "A Day of Remembrance" rather than a long vacation weekend.  Just sayin' .....

Hope you all have enjoyed a safe Memorial Day weekend and may we never forget those who gave their life for our freedom....


  1. You have a good idea. This way, people would not make the occasion just about having more time off. I love this big beautiful flag on the old barn.

  2. I AGREE 100% .... I hate it when they make it into the start of summer holiday and all the sales as well. Can we just pause and take time to remember.
    Well said Shug!!!


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