Saturday, February 25, 2023

Bright and Beautiful

 Bright and only pansy that has made it through the Winter season.  

Last year, my pansies were so full and were the brightest yellow.  They lasted way into the middle of May.

This year, only ONE made it.  I have been a little disappointed.  

This "ONE" is bright and Beautiful, and it stands out all alone in my front flower bed.  

         "Flowers are the music of the ground.  From earth's lips spoken without  sound."  

                                                 Quotes Author: Unknown



  1. Hi Shug~ I'm so looking forward to pansies!! I love that bright yellow color, gives me hope that spring is right around the corner. Thanks for sharing...hugs, Barb

  2. Thinking Spring !!!! I do love a pop of yellow with flowers.

  3. They are so pretty! A nice spot of cheer. I'm so ready for Spring and seeing a few crocus popping up. :)


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