Tuesday, August 18, 2020

 Well Folks.....you may seriously have to be from TEXAS to understand the humor in my header picture.  

This came up on my Facebook page and I immediately laughed.  I know exactly just how difficult it is to try to open or close a gate, on a HOT summer day.   The heat from the iron fence or locks, will scorch your hands....

We have really had some hot days this past week!  I am so very thankful for air conditioning to say the least!

Other News...... we celebrated with an Engagement dinner for grandson #2 {Tucker} and his fiancé, Emily.

Their wedding is planned for May 25, 2021 and we are all looking forward to a destination wedding.


Yesterday was the first day of school for Mylee Jo.

She was not a fan of wearing the mask all day long.  By the time she got home, she had a big headache.

First day of Jr High was a little different to say the least.


Keelan started Kindergarten yesterday......
His is all virtual learning, but hey....everyone has to have a first day of school picture.

Grandson #4 {Trey} is a Senior this year, and he is doing virtual learning as well.   Lol....he has worked hard all summer, growing the beard and letting his hair grow out!  Oh geez...this Shug is hoping he decides to cut the hair and shave the beard SOON.

This guy right here has the sweetest personality and is always full of laughs!


Hope all of your kids and grandkids are having a great start to a new school year.   

Enjoy your day and if you live in the South....try to stay COOL.   



  1. I didn't get the photo at first, but I should have! I am in the South too. Ouch. Gasp. It's been cool enough here the last few days to have the windows open for a breeze. I know...almost unthinkable.

    Congrats on the first day of school. It's our first also, though most of our supplies haven't arrived yet. So far we are doing math and music lessons (online).

    Take care 💜

  2. Hi There, Your grands are all so beautiful... WELL---look at their 'shug' --who is a beautiful person inside our outside.

    Congrats to another upcoming marriage... Glad they are waiting until 2021. Hopefully 'life' will be better in 2021.....

    I'm surprised that a couple of your grands chose Virtual Learning... As a former teacher, I'm truly not sure how much kids learn that way.. BUT--if they are really disciplined and interested, they can do it... ME? I'd be back in school with my friends.... Oh Well.

    Trey is a handsome young man... He has Sam's eyes!!!!!

    Have an awesome week.

  3. Great back-to-school pics! Mylee Jo has grown so much that I would not even have recognzed her! What a cool idea for the potholders! I could not figure out WHY they were there. I went shopping for potholders not too long ago, and the clerks did not know what they are! How can they be obsolete, even in these modern times?

  4. i can understand how hot those gates could get. I know how hot the seatbelt buckle in the car gets and it usually is not in direct sunlight. It's hot up here as well, but hopefully not for too much longer.

  5. Looks like you have a great group of grandkids, Shug! Lucky you to have them all. Our one and only lives in Scottsdale, AZ, it was only 115° there yesterday, can't imagine! Stay cool!

  6. Looks like everyone is doing well.
    Congratulations to the engaged couple,
    how fun.
    I'm with Mylee, not a fan of wearing a mask all day.
    Still not sure what school looks like for me, plans
    change daily. Right now we are back to remote, could
    change tomorrow.

    Stay cool and safe, my friend.

    M : )


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