Friday, April 3, 2020

Our little community is so Blessed to have the Best "CLOWN"
ever!!!    I truly mean this.....Kornpop the clown makes life FUN!!

This past weekend, I was out working in the flower beds, when Kornpop pulls into my driveway.   I'm thinking....."I didn't order a clown for today!"

He gets out of his van and tells me that he has an order of balloons just for me.   WHAT????  who ordered balloons?

The giver of this gift to me was none other than sweet husband.   He is always looking for ways to lift my spirits and I will have to say......He did an awesome job with this JOY.


Who do you think enjoyed these two letters.......??

J and O

I'm sure you guessed right.....  Mylee Jo!!.. the youngest granddaughter.....the one in front of the letters, in my first picture.

So many people passed way and slowed down to take a picture of this Joy.    Not only did Sam do a great job in lifting my spirits, but he was able to spread joy in our Community...

Thanks to Sam and to Kornpop the clown...



  1. Wow, this is amazing!! Sam is so caring and creative! You are each so blessed to have each other.

  2. How fun!
    That Sam... he is a keeper for sure!

    M : )

  3. That is fantastic. Yes, we all need more joy right now.

  4. Hi Shug~

    What a wonderful way to cheer up anyone who drove by your home!! I love the word "joy", and even though we are experiencing some really terrible things right now, there is still so much joy in our world!! Thank you for sharing!! XO

    Hugs and Love,


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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