Monday, October 14, 2019

It has been an interesting past two weeks!!!   Sam and I took a couple of weeks and did a little business as well as some side trips for a mini vacation.   

We left on September 28th and headed EAST.   We made a couple of business stops on Sunday afternoon and Monday morning, before heading over to see our kiddos in South Carolina.   We made a stop at the Air Force Base to pick them up,  and then it was off to Myrtle Beach.  

This is one of my favorite pictures.   I love how I "accidentally"
captured Tyler and Emalee's reflection on the beach!  

We had never been to the East Coast before.......usually, if we go to the beach, we go to Florida.  It was very interesting to see the difference in  beach sands as well as the water.   

Tyler and K spending some quality time at the pool.

The above picture was taken at a Seafood buffet!  Oh my goodness, it was so good!   Tyler and Emalee knew I was snapping a picture of them! They tricked me with their expressions!  ha!  lol...

 Yes, my friends....this is a picture of Sam's ice cream bowl.  A whole lot of ice cream!!!

A little Putt Putt time with family....  the picture is a bit blurry, but just to let you know, we had a great time!


 NEW announcement:   They (Tyler, Emalee, Keelan ) are MOVING to California!!   He has to be at his new base by January 31st!   I am super excited for them and believe me....I've already checked prices on flights to Cali.   

After leaving the grands behind.....Sam and I traveled into North Carolina and eventually into Tennessee.   The best part of the second half of our trip, was that we had NO PLANS.   Nothing was planned out and so we stopped when we wanted to and visited places that we had no idea we were going to visit.

This was in Gaitlinburg, Tennessee.   I always love visiting this area in the Fall.   

A picture as we were driving through the Blue Ridge Mountains...

A gorgeous Falls in North Carolina...  I think it was Fall Creek Falls.

 Our un-planned HIKE.....   This was a first for us, as we are not really hikers.   The funny thing about this hike was.....I had on my famous flip flops that I love to wear all throughout the year....and Sam had on some comfy shoes that are not made for hiking.   I even had my purse on my shoulder and beads around my neck!  LOL.   But....we decided to hike this mile long trail.   It was so much fun, even if the other hikers looked at us as if they knew we did not look like your typical hikers...

It was well worth the hike.....even including the 75 plus step that we climbed.   

This fire was perfect because the temps had changed and it was really cool outside...

Sam at  Chimney Rock Mountain.   You can't really tell from this picture, but this was WAY UP THERE!!   To high for me!!   I did do the drive up the mountain and then I went with Sam up the 26 story elevator, but I just could not climb these stairs for fear of heights.

There was so much beauty all around us.   

We ended the second week with a few more business stops, but even those stops were Blessings as well.....  

I love these kind of trips...


PS......I forgot to tell you all about all my goodies that I purchased on this trip.  LOTS of Christmas ornaments and even a tree.   My sweetie never complained about all of those little bells and ornaments RATTLING ALL THE WAY HOME!!  


  1. What a great fun time! And some of the best plans are no plans at all! The waterfall is gorgeous. I think my favorite may be Tyler & Emalee on the beach. A beautiful picture for sure, including the sand reflection.

  2. Hi Shug!

    What a fun trip! You are right, that photo with the reflection is beautiful! You guys have so much fun together...I love that about you. Tennessee is one of my favorite places to visit, and Gatlinberg is one of the most beautiful places, especially in the fall.

    All you photos were just gorgeous!! Can't wait to see the tree!!

    Hugs and Love,

  3. Sounds like a perfect time for the two of you.

  4. Oh My Gosh---You were SO SO SO close to us. I'm sorry I didn't know. We could have met you either in Gatlinburg, or Cookeville (Burgess Falls --where you did your hike), or Fall Creek Falls (which is in TENNESSEE by the way)..... Fall Creek Falls is our favorite in the world park.. That is where we fell in love and where I got my first kiss... That park has about 6 or more waterfalls in it... We would have LOVED to have showed you all around..... Dang!!!!!

    Glad you enjoyed some of my state...


  5. Great trip, Shug! I love that part of the country and know how beautiful it is, SC and on! The first pic is gorgeous! That ice cream looks good too, everything does, good post!


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