Sunday, September 8, 2019

Ready or not...... the pumpkins are coming out!  Yes....I'm seeing them everywhere!   I even have a few myself that I need to put out, but just haven't quite been in the mood to do so.

I was sitting here this afternoon, thinking,  I really need to get busy with Fall decorating.'s almost a 100 degrees outside and with these kind of temps, I really can't get very excited to decorate.

I usually get right into the flow of things and already have the "Orange" color running throughout the house.  Just a little behind this year!! 

 I've never really thought about it before, but it looks like FALL decorations get to stay out longer than most other Holiday/Seasonal decorations.  From the 1st of September through the last weekend in November, is certainly a long time to get to hang around.   

The truth the end of Summer, I am looking forward to FALL and too all of the FUN things that accompanies this particular season.   

Even if it is a 100 degrees.....I say, lets crank down the air conditioner and bring out those pumpkins!  Looks like my day tomorrow will be spend DECORATING!!

Hope you all are enjoying this Day that the Lord has made...

I know I am!!



  1. Looking forward to seeing your decorations, Shug, I have finished the inside, and have started on the outside, but like you it is hard to do with temps. hovering near 100, so I guess a little at a time will have to do, we are going to look for pumpkins tomorrow. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I hope you show us all of it! You are so good at decorating. I like your header, and also the heart sunflower on your sidebar! Yes, fall things stay out about about three months!

  3. I've been talking about decorating the front porch for two weeks now and just can't get started. It's hot and humid here too. I think maybe I threw both my fall tablecloths in the boxes going to Goodwill a few weeks ago. I do things like that then wish I had them back.

  4. It is hard to transition to Fall when it is hot outside.
    I'm most ready for cooler temps and some Fall décor.
    Happy decorating.

    M : )

  5. I'm slowly working on it. I have just given the summer days a big raspberry and gone on with my decorating! Love fall and Christmas favorites.

  6. I love the little pumpkins! Is it Fall already??

  7. Hi Shug~

    I love Fall too! It's only 67 degrees here today, so Fall is in the air. I just put what few decorations I have, out yesterday. I went through them and donated soooo many of them to charity...trying to de-clutter!

    Your house always looks so beautiful when you decorate, can't wait to see it this year!

    Hugs and Love,


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