Thursday, July 4, 2019

Wow.....this header photo is certainly a few years old.  I still remember this wonderful evening that was spent with great friends, celebrating America!!!   ****

Pictured from Left to right:   ME, Susie, Vicki, and Joyce!!!

I love celebrating our Freedom here in the USA and I also deeply appreciate our Military men and women.   

Tomorrow, July 5th, our grandson (Tyler) will have his 3 year anniversary of serving in the United States Air Force!!!  Yay Tyler!
The time has passed by so fast and it has been so exciting to watch how he has grown during these past 3 years.

In this picture, he had just signed all the paperwork and was heading out to Basics in San Antonio, Tx.   This was a day filled with so much emotion for all of us.   Many tears!

Our First time seeing him after he completed Basics

I loved this smile on his face.....Because, he was thrilled to see us too!

Tyler, Showing us his coin that he received during the ceremonies.

This picture was made about a month before he left to go into the Air Force!

His pops was super proud of him......

This picture was taken about 3 months after he got to his Tech School.......We rented a Condo for the weekend and our family (all 14 of us) visited him that weekend.    Gosh...I remember how hard it was to leave him that Sunday afternoon....

His 1st official photo from the AF

A visit home......

Now...he is married

 And has a son........such a beautiful family.....

And here is his latest Air Force picture.   

So many changes in 3 short years and we couldn't be more proud of him and all the accomplishments he has made.

Happy 3rd Anniversary Tyler.......

and Happy 4th of July to all of you.....



  1. So many huge changes for him!! He is so brave and handsome, a young man to be so very proud of!!

  2. Happy 4th and Happy 3rd for your grandson...I would be so proud of him, am proud we have young men such as him in out country.

  3. Wow, such a change!
    I am sue the whole family plus his wife and child are
    quite proud of him.
    Pleas thank him of his service to our country.

    M : )

  4. Hi Shug ~ What a great post, Shug! Tyler is such a handsome young man, so happy for his achievements. Please thank him for all his service to this amazing country, we need more men like him!!

    Hugs and Love,


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