Tuesday, July 2, 2019

                                                            Header photo from Image Source

Have you ever made Cream Brûlée?   I love this stuff.....I absolutely do!!

BUT:  I had never made it before, UNTIL this past week.

We have a group at church that is called "Spice of Life" and I have to tell you, THIS GROUP HAS SO MUCH FUN!!

Here I am, browning the sugar on my Brûlée.    This was fun, and I had never used a torch before.  I think that next time, I'll add a little more sugar and caramelize it a bit more.

This was a couple's cook night, so I took the dessert lesson and Sam took the grilling a steak lesson.   Here he is (in the black shirt)...well, there are two guys in black shirts....duh!  Mine is the one at the grill, flipping my steak and he's holding the white cup.

Stephanie,  is grilling her and her husband's steak, and he is in the kitchen doing their dessert.   

The guy leaning on the counter......Yep, that is Stephanie's husband, Jeremy, better known as PJ.
Jeremy is the Children's Pastor at our church.   

This was such a fun evening.....Not only did I learn how to make a dessert that I dearly love, but I/we enjoyed a delicious steak, cooked by my honey aka...Sam!

The class was entertaining, the food delicious, and the fellowship was amazing!

I'm excited for the next class.


Recipe for Creme Brûlée...

2 cups Heavy Cream  (Heated)
5 Egg Yolks
1/2 cup granulated sugar plus more to sprinkle for topping
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
Optional:  Berries and Mint for topping

Preheat oven to 325 degrees
Whisk together the egg yolks and sugar until creamy.   Slowly pour in the cream making sure not to cook the eggs.  Add vanilla.

Place unfilled ramekins in a baking casserole dish and fill baking dish with water to half-way up.  Pour egg mixture into ramekins.  

Bake for 45 min. to an hour, checking every 10 min after 35 to 40 min.   Stick a knife in the middle and it should come out mostly clean, to check for doneness. 

Let chill before adding sugar to top and using a torch to caramelize sugar.   

add berries and mint....

Shug ~


  1. Sounds like a fantastic way to spend an evening.

  2. This looks like so much fun! And now you can make Creme Brulee!! Will you make it again?

  3. Looks like fun to me! And Creme Brulee, love it but have never made it. I need a torch! Happy 4th!


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