Wednesday, May 29, 2019

I have so many blogging friends who have been in the path of many disaster areas lately.   For all those that are in the flooding areas of the Arkansas river, I send my prayers.   For all who have gone through tornados and the threats of more on the way, I send my prayers.  

Our weather this season has sure been one of uncertainty and many areas need relief.   Keeping you all in my prayers!!



  1. I am so glad you and your family are alright!! Do you live in an area that gets much bad weather?

  2. Thanks fir those prayers. There are so any people
    dealing with so much. We had a large tornado go through
    parts of Kansas and Missouri last night, we were
    passed by but a lot were not.

    Prayers for all being sent.

    M : )

  3. It seems the weather is more violent this year and perhaps earlier in the season than in other years. So sad to hear of all the destruction.

  4. Praying too.

    Thanks for your encouraging comment on my blog!

  5. That is so true. The bad storms lately have missed us and I am so thankful, but I do worry about others with storms and flooding. Someone being alone and afraid during a storm has always worried me. There is no worse feeling, so I try to say a special prayer for them. My Mother was always so afraid of being alone during a storm.

  6. The weather has been crazy for sure all around the country! We have warmed up a little today to 75° and sunny, no rain or storms. Glad you're area is OK!


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