Sunday, March 31, 2019

I think it would be safe to say that almost ALL of us are ready for SPRING.......I know that Spring came on the 21st, but did it really?

We have had some sunshine over the past couple of weeks, but we have also had some COOLER weather as well.   

I think it was in the 40's this morning.   This is not the typical Spring temperatures for our area.   

Our trees are leafing out and we have several signs of Spring all around.....BUT....we also are still having to wear jackets to keep warm  in the early mornings and the late evenings.

Rain....Yes....we have had some of that too!!!

The weather may not always be exactly like we want it to be, but that should not stop us from losing our SMILE!

Smiles can be contagious!!  A big ol' smile can be valuable to NOT ONLY ourselves, but it can be so valuable to those we come in contact with.  

A smile can change how other see their day.  Our simple smile can sends happy vibes to others that are around us.   A smile can brighten the heart of someone who is hurting.  

Even if we have something BIG planned for a day......AND if it rains on our Parade......lets find a way to smile and turn that frown upside down.   

Just my thoughts for this chilly day!!



  1. I totally agree. And you have a beautiful one!

  2. P.S. Going to feel like the teens tonight! It is 30 now, but with the wind chill it is frigid!

  3. Hi There, Thanks for your wonderful blog post.... I had better be smiling when it rains --or else, I wouldn't have smiled much the past 2-3 months... ha ha

    It is cold here in TN today.. We had a freeze last night (20's) ---so some of our pretty Tulips got damaged. Mother Nature can be cruel at times!!!!

    Love your first quote about happiness....

    How are the newly weds doing????


  4. Yes,yes,and yes! Always something to be thankful for.

  5. Oh I like this! It's good to smile no matter what is going on! Enjoy your day and keep us posted on Big Foot! hahaha!


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