Friday, February 22, 2019

The Gift of Friendship is pure and simple, JOY!!   I can say this because I have some of the Best friends in the world.   

I absolutely cherish the moments that we spend together.   The great thing about our friendships, is that we each bring something different to the circle.  

We don't necessarily all have the same interest in our every day lives, but WE DO HAVE a bond that is so very strong.

One of my Friends has a couple of booths at an antique shop.  She loves the thrill of going to garage sells and buying items that she can stock in her booths.   She also enjoys cooking and baking!

Another friend loves playing games....She plays mahjong each week  with a group of ladies.   She also loves antiquing and spending time with her grandkids.   

I have a friend that loves football.    She enjoys watching the "Dallas Cowboys" and the.... "Rangers."   She enjoys working word puzzles and playing games like sudoku.   

And yet, another sweet friend is a social butterfly.   Not only is she a "Judge"......but she is very involved in the community where she lives.   She attends many gatherings at the clubhouse in her neighborhood.   

And then there is me!  I love journaling, blogging, cooking and taking care of family.   OH....and I love decorating anything and everything.

I suppose my guy friends would be pretty disappointed if I left them out!!!   Oh yes, they are some of the best guy friends you could ask for.    

Two of them are retired, and they both love to cook.  I might add, they are both GREAT cooks!   

and... I have to mention the BEST FRIEND of all....which is my hubby (Sam)!     I love doing life with him.   He is the BEST!!


I love getting together with all of these people.   We have been on a cruise together,  we traveled to Florida during a hurricane (lots of memories on that trip) together, visited Branson MANY times together, have gone to shows, been antiquing, been to Louisiana to eat cajun food,  shared lots of meals together, and just simply have enjoyed each other's company.  Some of us have even made great memories in Mexico together.     And we "Marco Polo" together.

We have also Prayed together and even cried together........

Sometimes, we just need to take time to acknowledge just how much our friends mean to us.      I love all of my wonderful friends and I'm so super thankful for the relationships that we have.  

I am also thankful for all my blogging friends as well!!  



  1. I can tell the great joy you each have by being with each other. What a wonderful blessing! I like your black t-shirt, too. I love how you decorate. Perhaps sometime when there is not much to post, you can show us more of your rooms!

  2. Like you say,friends come in all shapes and sizes and all kinds of interests, but each one makes life a little better.

  3. Friends are one of the best gifts from our heavenly Father, I am so glad that we are each , so unique as we complete each other. You have great ones and it seems you all have so much fun together. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Friends are extended family members.
    So glad you have such good friends!

    M : )


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