Tuesday, October 9, 2018

What time is it?   Past my bedtime for sure!  I'm not one of those people who stays up late at night.  Going to bed around 9:00 seems 
to be the "In" thing around here, and has been for quite some time.

I actually prefer to stay up until around 10:30.....but my sleepy eyes just keep getting heavier and heavier.   

For about a week or so, I have had some pretty restless nights.  Any of you ever have "Restless Leg Syndrome?"  I don't always have it, but when I do, it seems to last for a few weeks.  The constant moving of my legs after I go to bed, drives me nuts.  

I'm open to suggestions, if anyone has anything that will help with RLS.


I saw this sign at an antique store that we recently visited.....

I thought.....How "PERFECT" this sign would be, hanging in my bathroom.  I could see it each morning and it would remind me that things are not perfect!  

I'm certainly not a perfectionist.....but I would say that I'm pretty close to it.  Not about all things....but there are many times in my life when I have to stop and say...."It's OK!!  Things do not have to be perfect!"

Even when I think they do.....guess what?  They're NOT.

It's OK to want the things in your life to be greater than what you expect....but I truly have never met a perfect person or perfect situation.   


So....as many of you may have seen on my FaceBook page, Our John Deere Gator was stolen this past weekend.   Needless to say, Sam is not a happy camper right now!!!  The Thieves and I say thieves, because there were more than one set of footprints, CUT the LOCK on the gate, going into the farm!!  AND....completely ignored the NO TRESPASSING signs.   

I've tried to put the loss of this expensive piece of equipment aside and  just pray for these people who felt the need to take something that was not theirs........BUT...I must confess, this is a very difficult thing to do.   My heart is sad that there are people in this world, who are either strung out on drugs, or... are just too lazy to work, so they rely on stealing to meet their needs.

Anyways........it's gone and truthfully, there isn't much that can be done.  


Regardless of imperfections.....Regardless of losses.....
Life is still good and I am extremely thankful for God's Blessings.   I'm thankful for God's
His mercies are NEW every morning!!




  1. I can never figure out why people choose to resort to stealing, but it happens all too often. I like that little sign.I am so far from a perfectionist, but still like things, at least some of them to be done right.

  2. I'm with you on the 9:00 bedtime and here's hoping someone gives you a solution to the RLS, i too have that occasionally. Take care

  3. I didn't see this on Facebook! Have there been other thefts in the area, and did you call the police? I am so sorry! Your header is gorgeous!!

  4. Hi Shug!

    Love the sign!! We all need one of those in the bathroom! I try really hard not to be a perfectionist. There are times when I get nothing done, because I'm trying too hard to make it perfect! It's an ongoing battle.

    I makes me so sad to hear about someone stealing from another person...I don't get it. I think you are right when you said it's drugs or laziness, it's such a shame!

    Have a great day, Shug!!

    Hugs and Love,


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